WOLVES contains, in the vast majority of cases, abridgements (extensive excerpts) rather than complete articles. Wherever possible, I provide links or addresses which will assist you in acquiring the complete material (See SOURCE listing on each page). If, for whatever reason, you are unable to acquire the complete material from its original source, you should try your local library (and an inter-library loan).
The resources are separated into four categories. The number of resources currently available in each category are in parentheses. New resources are added regularly. Most resources includes an abstract -- a brief summary of the article/essay.
To facilitate finding the new resources, the following legend will help you locate them: (A) Wolf Ecology & Behavior; (B) Wolf History; (C) Wolf Recovery-U.S.; (D) Wolf Recovery-Other
Please bear in mind that the copyright on all resources is retained by the original holder. The abridgements found in this website comply with the "fair use" doctrine relevant to copyrighted material, and is intended solely for educational or research purposes.
The photos/artwork on the resource pages are occasionally available in poster or print form from the artist. If this is the case, links are provided with the photo/artwork.
In most cases, references to previous studies are generally excluded from the abridgement, as the bibliography is not included here. Mention of tables and figures are usually excluded from the text as the tables and figures are not themselves available here; a description of all tables and figures, as well as the total number of references, in the original is provided to give readers an indication of what the original source contains.
Email all comments and queries to Jason Manning at wolfology@lycos.com