Wolf History, Conservation, Ecology and Behavior
Abstracts - Index
This section is an archive of informative abstracts from scholarly journals and conferences. Works reproduced in RESOURCES are not included here. Many more abstracts will be added in time.
Click on the letter of the alphabet to access the abstracts of essays with titles beginning with that letter.
Entries in bold are those added during the current month (March 2005).

--The Acceptance of a New Breeding Male Into a Wild Wolf Pack.
--Adaptive Management to Reduce Coyote Introgression into the Red Wolf Genome.
--Adult Cow Elk Seasonal Distribution and Mortality Post-Wolf Reintroduction in YNP.
--Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs.
--Alpha1-Antitrypsin Polymorphism and Systematics of Eastern North American Wolves.
--An Analysis of Factors Affecting Wolf Mortality Across Three Recovery Areas in the Western United States.
--Assessing Differential Prey Selection Patterns Between Two Sympatric Large Carnivores.
--Assessing Factors Related to Wolf Depredation of Cattle Ranches in Montana and Idaho.
--Attitudes of Hunters, Locals, and the General Public in Sweden Now that the Wolves are Back.
--Attitudes Toward Gray Wolf Reintroduction to New Brunswick.

--Bale Mountains Rodent Communities and Their Relevance to the Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis).
--A Behavioral Analysis of the Effect of Predator and Prey Densities on Wolf Predation.
--Behavioral Responses of Coyotes to Wolf Recolonization in Northwestern Montana.
--Beyond Demography and Delisting: Ecological Recovery for Yellowstone's Grizzly Bears and Wolves.

--Canis Lupus Cosmopolis: Wolves in a Cosmopolitan Worldview.
--Characteristics of Wolf Packs Depredating on Domestic Animals in Wisconsin, USA.
--Climate and Habitat Barriers to Dispersal in the Highly Mobile Grey Wolf.
--Color Patterns Among Wolves in Western North America.
--Combined Use of Maternal, Paternal and Bi-Parental Genetic Markers for the Identification of Wolf-Dog Hybrids.
--Comment: Regulation of Moose Populations by Wolf Predation.
--Common Ravens, Corvus corax, Preferentially Associate with Grey Wolves, Canis lupus, as A Foraging
Strategy in Winter.
--Computer Simulation of Wolf-Removal Strategies for Animal Damage Control.
--Conservation and Control Strategies for the Wolf (Canis lupus) in Western Europe Based on Demographic Models.
--Constraints on Active-Consumption Rates in Gray Wolves, Coyotes, and Grizzly Bears.
--Contested Natures: Wolves in Late Modernity.
--Coyote Foraging Ecology and Vigilance in Response to Gray Wolf Reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park.
--A 'Curious and Grim Testimony to a Persistent Human Blindness': Wolf Bounties in North America, 1630–1752.
--Current Development and Future Directions in Non-Lethal Wolf Predation Management.
--Current Status of the Gray Wolf, Its Prey and Human-Wolf Interaction in Turkey.

--Daily Movements and Territory Use by Radio-collared Wolves (Canis lupus) in Bialowieza Primeval Forest in Poland.
--Demography of a Recovering Wolf Population in the Yukon.
--Density Dependent Matrix Model for Gray Wolf Population Projection.
--Detecting Rare Introgression of Domestic Dog Genes into Wild Wolf (Canis lupus) Populations by Bayesian Admixture Analyses of Microsatellite Variation.
--Diet Composition of Wolves (Canis lupus) in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.
--DNA Profiles of the Eastern Canadian Wolf and the Red Wolf Provide Evidence for a Common Evolutionary History Independent of the Gray Wolf.
--Do Wolves Affect White-tailed Buck Harvest in Northeastern Minnesota?
--Dynamics of Early Wolf and Cougar Eradication Efforts in Montana: Implications for Conservation.

--Ecological Effectiveness: Conservation Goals for Interactive Species
--The Effect of Prey and Predator Densities on Wolf Predation.
--Effects of Elk Group Size on Predation by Wolves.
--Effects of Social Structure and Prey Dynamics on Extinction Risk in Gray Wolves.
--Effects of Wolf Removal on Livestock Depredation in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming.
--Effects of Wolves on Livestock Calf Survival in Central Idaho.
--Elk Population Dynamics in Areas With and Without Predation by Recolonizing Wolves in Banff National Park, Alberta.
--Evaluating Wolf Control in Response to Livestock Depredation in the Northwestern U.S.
--Evaluating Wolf Translocation as a Non-Lethal Method to Reduce Livestock Conflicts in the Northwestern United States.
--Experimental Reduction of Wolves in the Yukon: Ungulate Responses and Management Implications.

--Factors Affecting Wolf-Elk Interactions in the Greater Yellowstone Area.
--Factors Affecting Wolf Distribution, Numbers, and Livestock Depredation in Poland.
--Field Immobilization of Ethiopian Wolves (Canis simensis).
--'A Fierce Green Fire': Passionate Pleas and Wolf Ecology.
--Foraging Behaviour by Gray Wolves on Salmon Streams in Coastal British Columbia.
--Forest Composition Around Wolf (Canis lupus) Dens in Eastern Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario.
--From Wild Wolf to Domestic Dog: Gene Expression Changes in the Brain.

--Genetic Evidence for An East Asian Origin of Domestic Dogs.
--A Genetic Investigation of Enzyme Polymorphisms Shared by Wolf and Dog: Suggestions for Conservation of the Wolf in Italy.
--A GPS-Based Method to Examine Wolf Response to Loud Noise.
--Growth, Survival, and Productivity of a Colonizing Wolf Population in Wisconsin.

--Habitat Factors Affecting Vulnerability of Moose to Predation by Wolves in Southeastern British Columbia.
--Habitat Selection by Elk Before and After Wolf Reintroduction in YNP.
--Habitat Selection by Recolonizing Wolves in the Northwestern United States.
--Home Range Formation in Wolves Due to Scent Marking
--How Many Wolves Are Enough?: The Wolf-Human Interface and the Role of Biology, Ethics and Politics.
--Human-Wolf Conflict in India.
--Hybridisation Between Wolves and Dogs in Latvia as Documented Using Mitochondrial and Microsatellite DNA Markers.

--Impact of Landscape Change on Wolf Restoration Success: Planning a Reintroduction Program Based on Static and Dynamic Spatial Models.
--The Impacts of Human Residences, Roads, and Cattle on Wolf Recovery in the Ninemile Valley, Montana.
--Implications of Free-Grazing Cattle on Wolf (Canis lupus) Conservation in Portugal.
--Improving of Wolf Habitat in SW European Countries.
--Integrating Effects of Hunting Policy, Catastrophic Events, and Inbreeding Depression, in PVA Simulation: the Scandinavian Wolf Population as an Example.
--Integrating Epidemiology Into Population Viability Analysis: Managing the Risk Posed by Rabies and Canine Distemper to the Ethiopian Wolf.
--Interactions Between Wolves and Dogs in Scandinavia.
--Interspecific Competition Between Recolonizing Wolves and Coyotes: Implications for Pronghorn Persistence in Grand Teton National Park.
--Intra-hair Stable Isotope Analysis Implies Seasonal Shift to Salmon in Gray Wolf Diet.


--Kill Rate by Wolves on Moose in the Yukon.

--Large Predators in Small Parks: Wolves in La Mauricie National Park.
--Leadership Behavior in Relation to Dominance and Reproductive Status in Gray Wolves, Canis lupus.
--Linking Social Behaviour to a Population Viability Analysis for Wolves.
--Livestock Guarding Dogs and Their Modern Role in Large Carnivore Conservation Initiatives.
--Lone Wolf to the Rescue.
--Long-Distance Wolf Recolonization of France and Italy Inferred from Non-Invasive Genetic Sampling Over a Period of 10 Years.

--Major Histocompatibility Complex Variation in Red Wolves: Evidence for Common Ancestry with Coyotes and Balancing Selection.
--Mirrors and Metaphors: Contemporary Narratives of the Wolf in Minnesota.
--Mitochondrial DNA Extracted from Eastern North American Wolves Killed in the 1800s is Not of Gray Wolf Origin.
--Mitochondrial DNA Variability in Italian and East European Wolves: Detecting the Consequences of Small Population Size and Hybridization.
--Modeling Emigration of Wolves from a Wilderness Area into Adjacent Agricultural Regions.

--Noninvasive Molecular Tracking of Colonizing Wolf (Canis lupus) Packs in the Western Italian Alps
--A Numerical Response of Wolves to Bison Abundance in Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada.

--Occurrence of Pursuit Deterrence Signals During Wolf Hunts of Elk in Yellowstone National Park: A Preliminary Assessment

--Phase Dependence and Population Cycles in a Large-Mammal Predator-Prey System.
--Population Size Estimation in Yellowstone Wolves with Error-Prone Noninvasive Microsatellite Genotypes.
--Predicting the Wolf-Prey Equilibrium Point.


--Raven Scavenging Favours Group Foraging in Wolves.
--The Recovery, Distribution, and Population Dynamics of Wolves on the Scandinavian Peninsula, 1978-1998.
--Recovery of Traditional Techniques of Livestock Protection from Wolf Predation in Portugal.
--Regurgitative Food Transfer Among Wild Wolves.
--Relative Success of the Reintroduction of Mexican Wolves to Other Wolves in the United States.
--Reproductive Characteristics of an Exploited Wolf Population.
--Rescue of a Severely Bottlenecked Wolf (Canis lupus) Population by a Single Immigrant.
--Restoration of the Gray Wolf in the Northwestern United States.
--Review of Methods to Reduce Livestock Depredation: I. Guardian Animals.

--Selection of Den, Rendezvous, and Resting Sites by Wolves in the Bialowieza Forest, Poland.
--A Simple Reason for a Big Difference: Wolves Do Not Look Back at Humans, But Dogs Do.
--Simulating the Effects of Wolf-Elk Population Dynamics on Resource Flow to Scavengers.
--Snowmobile Activity and Glucocorticoid Stress Responses in Wolves and Elk.
--Sound Science Is Never Enough: Ethics, Science and Values in Wolf Recovery.
--Spatial Dynamics of a Migratory Wolf Population in Winter, South-central Ontario (1990-1995).
--Spatiotemporal Segregation of Wolves from Humans in Bialowieza Forest (Poland).
--Succession Debt: Effects of Logging on Wolf-Deer Dynamics in Coastal British Columbia and Southeast Alaska.

--Temporary Wolf Management Plan for Croatia.
--A Ten-Year History of the Demography and Productivity of an Arctic Wolf Pack.
--Threatened Ethiopian Wolves Persist in Small Isolated Afroalpine Enclaves.
--Translocation of Wolves Associated with Livestock Depredation in a Recovering Population.
--The Trophic Ecology of Wolves and Their Predatory Role in Ungulate Communities of Forest Ecosystems in Europe.
--Trophic Facilitation by Introduced Top Predators: Grey Wolf Subsidies to Scavengers in Yellowstone National Park.
--Two Centuries of the Scandinavian Wolf Population: Patterns of Genetic Variability and Migration During an Era of Dramatic Decline.

--Use of Selection Indices to Model the Functional Response of Predators.
--Using Faecal DNA Sampling and GIS to Monitor Hybridization between Red Wolves (Canis rufus) and Coyotes (Canis latrans).

--Validating Measures of Ecological Integrity for Wolves in Protected Areas.

--Winter Habitat and Travel Route Selection by Wolves in the Northern Appenines, Italy.
--A Wolf at the Gate: The Anti-Carnivore Alliance and the Symbolic Construction of Community.
--Wolf Depredation on Domestic Dogs in Central Part of European Russia.
--Wolf (Canis lupus) Diet in Latvia: Seasonal, Geographical and Sexual Variations.
--Wolf (Canis lupus) Numbers, Diet and Damage to Livestock in Relation to Hunting and Ungulate Abundance in Northeastern Belarus during 1990-2000.
--Wolf Functional Response and Regulation of Moose in the Yukon.
--Wolf Pack Territory Marking in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest (Poland).
--Wolf Predation and the Exotic Disease Debate in Wood Buffalo National Park.
--Wolf Predation Damages to Livestock, The Golan, Israel.
--Wolf Predation in a Multiple-Ungulate System in Northern British Columbia.
--Wolf Predation on Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) in the Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary, Nannaj, Maharashta, India.
--Wolf Recolonization of Agricultural Areas in Spain.
--Wolf Recovery in Sweden and Norway.
--Wolf Recovery in the U.S. Southern Rocky Mountains.
--Wolf Reintroduction, Predation Risk, and Cottonwood Recovery in Yellowstone National Park.
--The Wolf Situation in Mongolia.
--Wolf Status in the French Alps: From Monitoring to Damage Management.
--Wolf-Deer Field Study by High School Students in Wisconsin.
--Wolf/Elk Interactions on State-Managed Feed Grounds and Adjacent National Forests in Wyoming.
--Wolf-Sightings on the Canadian Arctic Islands.
--Wolves, Dogs, Livestock Depredation and Compensation Costs: 25 Years of Italian Experience.
--Wolves, Elk, and Bison: Reestablishing the "Landscape of Fear" in Yellowstone National Park.
--Wolves in the Casentinesi Forests: Insights for Wolf Conservation in Italy....

--Y Chromosome Haplotyping in Scandinavian Wolves (Canis lupus) Based on Microsatellite Markers