--The Acceptance of a New Breeding Male Into a Wild Wolf Pack.
--Adaptive Management to Reduce Coyote Introgression into the Red Wolf Genome.
--Adult Cow Elk Seasonal Distribution and Mortality Post-Wolf Reintroduction in YNP.
--Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs.
--Alpha1-Antitrypsin Polymorphism and Systematics of Eastern North American Wolves.
--An Analysis of Factors Affecting Wolf Mortality Across Three Recovery Areas in the Western United States.
--Assessing Differential Prey Selection Patterns Between Two Sympatric Large Carnivores.
--Assessing Factors Related to Wolf Depredation of Cattle Ranches in Montana and Idaho.
--Attitudes of Hunters, Locals, and the General Public in Sweden Now that the Wolves are Back.
--Attitudes Toward Gray Wolf Reintroduction to New Brunswick.
--Bale Mountains Rodent Communities and Their Relevance to the Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis).
--A Behavioral Analysis of the Effect of Predator and Prey Densities on Wolf Predation.
--Behavioral Responses of Coyotes to Wolf Recolonization in Northwestern Montana.
--Beyond Demography and Delisting: Ecological Recovery for Yellowstone's Grizzly Bears and Wolves.
--Canis Lupus Cosmopolis: Wolves in a Cosmopolitan Worldview.
--Characteristics of Wolf Packs Depredating on Domestic Animals in Wisconsin, USA.
--Climate and Habitat Barriers to Dispersal in the Highly Mobile Grey Wolf.
--Color Patterns Among Wolves in Western North America.
--Combined Use of Maternal, Paternal and Bi-Parental Genetic Markers for the Identification of Wolf-Dog Hybrids.
--Comment: Regulation of Moose Populations by Wolf Predation.
--Common Ravens, Corvus corax, Preferentially Associate with Grey Wolves, Canis lupus, as A Foraging
Strategy in Winter.
--Computer Simulation of Wolf-Removal Strategies for Animal Damage Control.
--Conservation and Control Strategies for the Wolf (Canis lupus) in Western Europe Based on Demographic Models.
--Constraints on Active-Consumption Rates in Gray Wolves, Coyotes, and Grizzly Bears.
--Contested Natures: Wolves in Late Modernity.
--Coyote Foraging Ecology and Vigilance in Response to Gray Wolf Reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park.
--A 'Curious and Grim Testimony to a Persistent Human Blindness': Wolf Bounties in North America, 1630–1752.
--Current Development and Future Directions in Non-Lethal Wolf Predation Management.
--Current Status of the Gray Wolf, Its Prey and Human-Wolf Interaction in Turkey.
--Daily Movements and Territory Use by Radio-collared Wolves (Canis lupus) in Bialowieza Primeval Forest in Poland.
--Demography of a Recovering Wolf Population in the Yukon.
--Density Dependent Matrix Model for Gray Wolf Population Projection.
--Detecting Rare Introgression of Domestic Dog Genes into Wild Wolf (Canis lupus) Populations by Bayesian Admixture Analyses of Microsatellite Variation.
--Diet Composition of Wolves (Canis lupus) in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.
--DNA Profiles of the Eastern Canadian Wolf and the Red Wolf Provide Evidence for a Common Evolutionary History Independent of the Gray Wolf.
--Do Wolves Affect White-tailed Buck Harvest in Northeastern Minnesota?
--Dynamics of Early Wolf and Cougar Eradication Efforts in Montana: Implications for Conservation.
--Ecological Effectiveness: Conservation Goals for Interactive Species
--The Effect of Prey and Predator Densities on Wolf Predation.
--Effects of Elk Group Size on Predation by Wolves.
--Effects of Social Structure and Prey Dynamics on Extinction Risk in Gray Wolves.
--Effects of Wolf Removal on Livestock Depredation in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming.
--Effects of Wolves on Livestock Calf Survival in Central Idaho.
--Elk Population Dynamics in Areas With and Without Predation by Recolonizing Wolves in Banff National Park, Alberta.
--Evaluating Wolf Control in Response to Livestock Depredation in the Northwestern U.S.
--Evaluating Wolf Translocation as a Non-Lethal Method to Reduce Livestock Conflicts in the Northwestern United States.
--Experimental Reduction of Wolves in the Yukon: Ungulate Responses and Management Implications.
--Factors Affecting Wolf-Elk Interactions in the Greater Yellowstone Area.
--Factors Affecting Wolf Distribution, Numbers, and Livestock Depredation in Poland.
--Field Immobilization of Ethiopian Wolves (Canis simensis).
--'A Fierce Green Fire': Passionate Pleas and Wolf Ecology.
--Foraging Behaviour by Gray Wolves on Salmon Streams in Coastal British Columbia.
--Forest Composition Around Wolf (Canis lupus) Dens in Eastern Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario.
--From Wild Wolf to Domestic Dog: Gene Expression Changes in the Brain.
--Genetic Evidence for An East Asian Origin of Domestic Dogs.
--A Genetic Investigation of Enzyme Polymorphisms Shared by Wolf and Dog: Suggestions for Conservation of the Wolf in Italy.
--A GPS-Based Method to Examine Wolf Response to Loud Noise.
--Growth, Survival, and Productivity of a Colonizing Wolf Population in Wisconsin.
--Habitat Factors Affecting Vulnerability of Moose to Predation by Wolves in Southeastern British Columbia.
--Habitat Selection by Elk Before and After Wolf Reintroduction in YNP.
--Habitat Selection by Recolonizing Wolves in the Northwestern United States.
--Home Range Formation in Wolves Due to Scent Marking
--How Many Wolves Are Enough?: The Wolf-Human Interface and the Role of Biology, Ethics and Politics.
--Human-Wolf Conflict in India.
--Hybridisation Between Wolves and Dogs in Latvia as Documented Using Mitochondrial and Microsatellite DNA Markers.
--Impact of Landscape Change on Wolf Restoration Success: Planning a Reintroduction Program Based on Static and Dynamic Spatial Models.
--The Impacts of Human Residences, Roads, and Cattle on Wolf Recovery in the Ninemile Valley, Montana.
--Implications of Free-Grazing Cattle on Wolf (Canis lupus) Conservation in Portugal.
--Improving of Wolf Habitat in SW European Countries.
--Integrating Effects of Hunting Policy, Catastrophic Events, and Inbreeding Depression, in PVA Simulation: the Scandinavian Wolf Population as an Example.
--Integrating Epidemiology Into Population Viability Analysis: Managing the Risk Posed by Rabies and Canine Distemper to the Ethiopian Wolf.
--Interactions Between Wolves and Dogs in Scandinavia.
--Interspecific Competition Between Recolonizing Wolves and Coyotes: Implications for Pronghorn Persistence in Grand Teton National Park.
--Intra-hair Stable Isotope Analysis Implies Seasonal Shift to Salmon in Gray Wolf Diet.
--Kill Rate by Wolves on Moose in the Yukon.
--Large Predators in Small Parks: Wolves in La Mauricie National Park.
--Leadership Behavior in Relation to Dominance and Reproductive Status in Gray Wolves, Canis lupus.
--Linking Social Behaviour to a Population Viability Analysis for Wolves.
--Livestock Guarding Dogs and Their Modern Role in Large Carnivore Conservation Initiatives.
--Lone Wolf to the Rescue.
--Long-Distance Wolf Recolonization of France and Italy Inferred from Non-Invasive Genetic Sampling Over a Period of 10 Years.
--Major Histocompatibility Complex Variation in Red Wolves: Evidence for Common Ancestry with Coyotes and Balancing Selection.
--Mirrors and Metaphors: Contemporary Narratives of the Wolf in Minnesota.
--Mitochondrial DNA Extracted from Eastern North American Wolves Killed in the 1800s is Not of Gray Wolf Origin.
--Mitochondrial DNA Variability in Italian and East European Wolves: Detecting the Consequences of Small Population Size and Hybridization.
--Modeling Emigration of Wolves from a Wilderness Area into Adjacent Agricultural Regions.
--Noninvasive Molecular Tracking of Colonizing Wolf (Canis lupus) Packs in the Western Italian Alps
--A Numerical Response of Wolves to Bison Abundance in Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada.
--Occurrence of Pursuit Deterrence Signals During Wolf Hunts of Elk in Yellowstone National Park: A Preliminary Assessment
--Phase Dependence and Population Cycles in a Large-Mammal Predator-Prey System.
--Population Size Estimation in Yellowstone Wolves with Error-Prone Noninvasive Microsatellite Genotypes.
--Predicting the Wolf-Prey Equilibrium Point.
--Raven Scavenging Favours Group Foraging in Wolves.
--The Recovery, Distribution, and Population Dynamics of Wolves on the Scandinavian Peninsula, 1978-1998.
--Recovery of Traditional Techniques of Livestock Protection from Wolf Predation in Portugal.
--Regurgitative Food Transfer Among Wild Wolves.
--Relative Success of the Reintroduction of Mexican Wolves to Other Wolves in the United States.
--Reproductive Characteristics of an Exploited Wolf Population.
--Rescue of a Severely Bottlenecked Wolf (Canis lupus) Population by a Single Immigrant.
--Restoration of the Gray Wolf in the Northwestern United States.
--Review of Methods to Reduce Livestock Depredation: I. Guardian Animals.
--Selection of Den, Rendezvous, and Resting Sites by Wolves in the Bialowieza Forest, Poland.
--A Simple Reason for a Big Difference: Wolves Do Not Look Back at Humans, But Dogs Do.
--Simulating the Effects of Wolf-Elk Population Dynamics on Resource Flow to Scavengers.
--Snowmobile Activity and Glucocorticoid Stress Responses in Wolves and Elk.
--Sound Science Is Never Enough: Ethics, Science and Values in Wolf Recovery.
--Spatial Dynamics of a Migratory Wolf Population in Winter, South-central Ontario (1990-1995).
--Spatiotemporal Segregation of Wolves from Humans in Bialowieza Forest (Poland).
--Succession Debt: Effects of Logging on Wolf-Deer Dynamics in Coastal British Columbia and Southeast Alaska.
--Temporary Wolf Management Plan for Croatia.
--A Ten-Year History of the Demography and Productivity of an Arctic Wolf Pack.
--Threatened Ethiopian Wolves Persist in Small Isolated Afroalpine Enclaves.
--Translocation of Wolves Associated with Livestock Depredation in a Recovering Population.
--The Trophic Ecology of Wolves and Their Predatory Role in Ungulate Communities of Forest Ecosystems in Europe.
--Trophic Facilitation by Introduced Top Predators: Grey Wolf Subsidies to Scavengers in Yellowstone National Park.
--Two Centuries of the Scandinavian Wolf Population: Patterns of Genetic Variability and Migration During an Era of Dramatic Decline.
--Use of Selection Indices to Model the Functional Response of Predators.
--Using Faecal DNA Sampling and GIS to Monitor Hybridization between Red Wolves (Canis rufus) and Coyotes (Canis latrans).
--Validating Measures of Ecological Integrity for Wolves in Protected Areas.
--Winter Habitat and Travel Route Selection by Wolves in the Northern Appenines, Italy.
--A Wolf at the Gate: The Anti-Carnivore Alliance and the Symbolic Construction of Community.
--Wolf Depredation on Domestic Dogs in Central Part of European Russia.
--Wolf (Canis lupus) Diet in Latvia: Seasonal, Geographical and Sexual Variations.
--Wolf (Canis lupus) Numbers, Diet and Damage to Livestock in Relation to Hunting and Ungulate Abundance in Northeastern Belarus during 1990-2000.
--Wolf Functional Response and Regulation of Moose in the Yukon.
--Wolf Pack Territory Marking in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest (Poland).
--Wolf Predation and the Exotic Disease Debate in Wood Buffalo National Park.
--Wolf Predation Damages to Livestock, The Golan, Israel.
--Wolf Predation in a Multiple-Ungulate System in Northern British Columbia.
--Wolf Predation on Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) in the Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary, Nannaj, Maharashta, India.
--Wolf Recolonization of Agricultural Areas in Spain.
--Wolf Recovery in Sweden and Norway.
--Wolf Recovery in the U.S. Southern Rocky Mountains.
--Wolf Reintroduction, Predation Risk, and Cottonwood Recovery in Yellowstone National Park.
--The Wolf Situation in Mongolia.
--Wolf Status in the French Alps: From Monitoring to Damage Management.
--Wolf-Deer Field Study by High School Students in Wisconsin.
--Wolf/Elk Interactions on State-Managed Feed Grounds and Adjacent National Forests in Wyoming.
--Wolf-Sightings on the Canadian Arctic Islands.
--Wolves, Dogs, Livestock Depredation and Compensation Costs: 25 Years of Italian Experience.
--Wolves, Elk, and Bison: Reestablishing the "Landscape of Fear" in Yellowstone National Park.
--Wolves in the Casentinesi Forests: Insights for Wolf Conservation in Italy....
--Y Chromosome Haplotyping in Scandinavian Wolves (Canis lupus) Based on Microsatellite Markers