Wolf History, Conservation, Ecology and Behavior

Wolf Wars: Reports from the Front Lines
This section is reserved for select newspaper articles that capture the political, cultural, social and economic aspects of the ongoing debate about wolves and their recovery (as opposed to the RESOURCES section, which is comprised primarily of magazine or journal articles of a more "scholarly" nature.) These articles are, generally, about people as much as they are about wolves. This archive will, hopefully, give present-day readers a feel for the background of the wolf issue; and, in time, will become a useful historical record. My goal is to present all sides of the issue. The articles are arranged by year, with the most recent first, and are usually not abridged. [NOTE: Some articles contain errors of fact, and I am not vouching for their authenticity by presenting them here.]

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Table of Contents
Evansville Lone Wolf Will Stay in Wild, Tim Mowry, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (3.8)
Ranchers Protest Oregon's Wolf Action, Jayson Jacoby, Baker City Herald (3.7)
Ranchers Want Wolves Recaptured, Jennifer Emmons, El Defensor Chieftain (3.2)
Elk Hunters Cry Wolf, Becky Bohrer, Associated Press (2.21)
In Poland, the Big Bad Wolf is Afraid of No One Since Ban on Hunting, AFP (2.10)
Wolf Talk, Rob Gebhart, Craig Daily News (2.8)
As Debate Rages, Some Believe Wolves Are Already Back, S. K. Wickham, The Union Leader (2.6)
Judge Strikes Down Relaxation of Wolf Rules, Mike Stark, Billings Gazette (2.1)
Wolf's Future Hits Another Twist, Whitney Royster, Casper Star-Tribune (2.1)
Wolf Biologists Look Ahead, Associated Press (1.31)
Norway to Kill 25% of Its Wolves, Alex Kelly, BBC News (1.22)
Rancher Legally Kills Wolf, Buzzy Hassrick, Cody Enterprise (1.21)
Wolves Expected to Expand in Numbers, Scott McMillion, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (1.16)
The Minnesota Wolf Experience, Scott McMillion, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (1.15)
Economic Impact of Wolves Not Yet Known, Scott McMillion, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (1.15)
Ecological Changes Linked to Wolves, Warren Cornwall, Seattle Times (1.13)
"Old Lefty" Is a Thing of the Past, Allen Best, Vail Daily (1.8)
Experts Slam Plans to Kill Wolves, Bears, Joel Gay, Anchorage Daily News (1.7)
Wolves Chasing Wolves from Feeding Grounds, Associated Press (1.5)
Wolves Coming Closer, James Hagengruber, Spokane Spokesman-Review (1.4)
Montana, Idaho Gain Wolf Control, Casper Star-Tribune (1.4)
New Federal Rule Allows Stockmen to Kill Wolves, Michael Babcock, Great Falls Tribune (1.4)
Oregon Prepares for Wolves' Return, Anna King, Tri-City Herald (1.3)
Politics Hamper Wolf Recovery, Michelle Dunlop, The Times-News (12.27)
Wolf Advocates Offer to Pick Up the Tab, Michelle Dunlop, The Times-News (12-27)
Group Values Wolves Over Livestock, Michelle Dunlop, The Times-News (12.27)
Confusion Over Special Status for Eastern Wolf, Kate Harries, Toronto Star (12.18)
Ranchers Take Aim at Wolf Plan, Brad Cain, Associated Press (12.10)
Reintroduced Wolves Fighting Tooth and Nail, Mitch Tobin, Arizona Daily Star (11.28)
Aerial Wolf Control Program Resumes, Tim Mowry, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (11.27)
The Ecology and Politics of Fear, The Vail Trail (11.25)
Timber Wolves Sighted in Central Wisconsin, Allen Hicks, Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune (11.23)
Wolves Captivate Yellowstone Tourists..., John O'Connell, Idaho State Journal (11.12)
Earthjustice Seeks Role in Wolf Lawsuit, Associated Press (11.9)
Plan Welcomes Gray Wolves to Oregon, Mark Freeman, Mail Tribune (11.8)
Shepherds Despair as Wolves Thrive in Croatia, Zoran Radosavljevic, Reuters (11.8)
State Group Tackles Thorny Issue of Wolf Management, M. Gleason, The Aspen Times (9.27)
Draft Management Plan Would Allow Ranchers to Kill Wolves, Jeff Bernard, Associated Press (9.8)
Wolf Comeback Triggers Call for Control, Jeff Rebhahn, Green Pay Press-Gazette (9.8)
Aerial Predator Control May Take Up To 500 Wolves, Joel Gay, Anchorage Daily News (9.7)
State Widens Wolf Control Program, Tim Mowry, Fairbanks News-Miner (8.29)
Incident Leaves Couple Worried, Ralph Ansami,Ironwood (MI) Daily Globe (8.25)
Wolves Might Be Classified As Game Mammals, Beth Casper, Salem Statesman Journal (8.21)
Are Canine Poisonings Acts of Terror? Todd Wilkinson, The Billings Outpost (8.17)
French Farmers Will "Get Rifles Out" If Wolf Cull Blocked Long Term, AFP (8.14)
Research Notes Differences in Elk Reaction to Preying Wolves, Becky Bohrer, AP (8.9)
Inside the Wolf Den, Kristen Romanoff, Juneau Empire (8.8)
Crossing Dogs, Wolves: Is It Breeding Trouble? Leanora Minai, St. Petersburg Times (8.7)
...Wolves Ready to Come Off the Endangered Species List, P. Smith, Journal Times Online (8.5)
Owner Decries Confiscation of Two Wolves by State, Paula Reed Ward, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (8.2)
Michigan Looks for Ways to Avoid Wolf-Human Conflicts, John Flescher, Detroit News (7.31)
Ranchers Want Peaceful Existence with Predators, Omaha World Herald/AP (7.25)
Wolf Advice Splits Pack of Experts, Doug O'Harra, Anchorage Daily News (6.13)
Dog Poisonings Likely Aimed at Wolves, CNN International (6.9)
Colorado: Wolf Management Plan in Works, Judith Kohler, Associated Press (6.9)
Is Wolf Comeback Waning? Josephine Marcotty, Minneapolis Star-Tribune (6.9)
County Fights Wolf Case Change, Allison Batdorff, Billings Gazette (5.18)
Livestock Losses Leave Ranchers Worn Down By Wolves, Mike Stark, Billings Gazette (5.16)
Sterilizing, Relocating Wolves Boosted Caribou Herds, Tim Mowry, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (5.10)
Proposed New Rules Expand Wolf Killing Powers, Mike Stark, Billings Gazette (5.4)
Ad Campaign Aims to Finish Aerial Wolf Kills, Mary Pemberton, Associated Press (4.23)
Tourists Still Booking Alaska Trips Despite Animal-Rights Boycott Call, USA Today (4.19)
Wildlife Group Uses Ads to Attack Aerial Wolf Hunting, Associated Press (4.13)
Wolf Kill Debate Won't Go Away, Joel Gay, Anchorage Daily News (4.12)
Pro-Wolf Sentiment Dominates Hearing, Thomas J. Baird, Silver City (NM) Sun-News (4.8)
Raising A Howl, Michael Robinson, Albuquerque Tribune (4.7)
Myths Surround Wolves, Nick Gevock, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (4.4)
Inaccuracies Ensnare Wolf Talk, Mike Fleagle, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (4.2)
300 Jam Denver Meeting on Wolves, Kieran Nicholson, Denver Post (3.26)
Wolves on the Horizon, Gary Gerhardt, Rocky Mountain News (3.20)
Wolves Come Back (On Their Terms), James Gorman, New York Times (3.16)
Wolves on Douglas, Editorial, Juneau Empire (3.14)
Wyoming Session Ends With No Plan For Wolves, Associated Press (3.10)
Wolf Attack Map Predicts Danger Areas, Charlotte Westney, Nature (3.8)
Gray Wolf Makes Stunning Comeback in Wisconsin, Betsy Bloom, La CrosseTribune (3.7)
Wolves Strike Madison Valley Ranch,Nick Gevock, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (3.6)
Wyoming To Sue Over Wolf Impasse, Mike Stark, Billings Gazette (3.3)
Alaska Says Moose Numbers May be Up, Mary Pemberton, AP (2.24)
Commissioners Considering Giving County Authority to Shoot Wolves, AP (2.18)
Estonian Wolves: From Outlaws to Protected Animals, AFP (2.15)
Committee Bristles at Wolf Plan, Greg Stahl, Idaho Mountain Express (2.6)
Boycott Stings Tour Outfits, The Juneau Empire (2.4)
Wolf Kill Boycott Nibbles Tourism, Joel Gay, Anchorage Daily News (2.3)
Counties Get Wolf Predator Request, Buddy Smith, Ravalli Republic (1.28)
Sitka Site of First Alaska Howl-In, Mary Pemberton, Associated Press (1.18)
"Holding Wyoming Hostage," Andi Balla, Laramie Boomerang (1.16)
Freudenthal Blasts U.S. Wolf Decision, Mike Stark, Billings Gazette (1.16)
Wyoming Lawmakers Back to Square 1 on Wolf Plan, Associated Press (1.14)
...Feds Wait for Acceptable Wyoming Plan, S. McMillion, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (1.14)
Wolf Delisting Opinion Expected Soon, Ted Monoson, Independent Record (1.13)
Wolf Population Still Doing Well Despite Two Deaths, John Kamin, Eastern Arizona Courer (1.12)
Migrating Wolves Complicate Wildlife Management, Associated Press (1.12)
Black Wolf Near Glacier Brings Locals Delight..., Tony Carroll, Juneau (Alaska) Empire (1.11)
Wolves Set to Huff, Puff, Blow Into State, Gary Gerhardt, Rocky Mountain News (1.2)
New York Animal Rights Activists Urge Alaska Boycott, Liz Ruskin, Newsobserver.com (12.27)
Scientists: Wolves Could Help Curb CWD, Associated Press (12.23)
NWF Takes Legal Action to Ensure Wolf Recovery in the Northeast, Nat'l Wildlife Federation (12.18)
Wolf Restoration May Become Victim of Own Success, Candus Thomson, Baltimore Sun (12.14)
Hunters Fire Back Over Wolf-Kill, Mary Pemberton, Associated Press 12.13)
Officials Continue to Probe 5 Wolf Deaths, Mike Stark, Billings Gazette (12.10)
Scientist Sees Legal Holes in Wyoming Wolf Plan, Associated Press (12.4)
Wolf Hybrids Get Reprieve, Cindy Larson, Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel (12.3)
Wolf Plans Get Experts' Approval, Mike Stark, Billings Gazette (12.2)
Gray Wolf's Success Ignites New Debate, Candus Thomson, Baltimore Sun (11.26)
Less Protection for Wolves? Monique Balas, Green Bay News-Chronicle (11.24)
Wolf Is Back In Spain, But Hostilities Linger, Chris Brown, Reuters (11.20)
Wolf Attacks Drain Money Set Aside to Reimburse...Farmers, T. Held, Miwaukee Journal-Sentinel (11.9)
Ranchers Sue to Remove Wolves, John Kamin, Eastern Arizona Courier (10.22)
USFWS Investigates Wolf Deaths, John Kamin, Eastern Arizona Courier (10.12)
Counties Discuss Wolf Re-introduction to Recovery Area, John Kamin, Eastern Arizona Courier (10.9)
Wolves Bring a Surprising Ecological Balance to Yellowstone, N. Thompson, Boston Globe (9.30)
Making A Case for Wolves, Associated Press (9.26)
Park County Commissioners Reiterate Opposition..., C. Cloudwalker, Cody (WY) Enterprise (9.25)
The Prospect of Eating Henry, Arnold Ockerman, Denver Post (9.13)
Wolf Center Celebrating 10 Years..., Ely Echo (9.7)
Biologist Keeps Close Tabs on Wyoming's Wolves, R. Huntington, Jackson Hole News & Guide (9.7)
Mexican Gray Wolf Back on Home Range Thanks to Advocate, Mary Jo Pitzi, Arizona Republic (9.2)
School's Wolf Not Just Mascot, Ronnie Blair, Tampa Bay Tribune (9.1)
Trapped by Doubts, Tania Soussan, Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal (8.31)
Making A Home Fit for Wolves, Matt Fleming, The (Plymouth, UK) Evening Herald (8.27)
Montana Releases Wolf Management Plan, Becky Bohrer, Associated Press (8.21)
Alaskans Are Divided Over Wolf Protection, Kimberly Edds, Washington Post (8.17)
Wolves Staking Claim in White Clouds, Gregory Foley, Idaho Mountain Express (8.13)
Way of the Wolf, Part II, Claudia Curran, The (Ashland, WI) Daily Express, (7.30)
To Kill or Be Killed, Jim Robbins, Los Angeles Times (7.27)
Wolves Touch the Wildness Within, Dan Hansen, Spokane (WA) Spokesman Review (7.21)
As Wolf Packs Grow, So Does Resentment, Dan Hansen, Spokane (WA) Spokesman-Review (7.20)
Hunter Seeks to Prove Wolves are in Maine, Misty Edgecomb, Bangor Daily News (7.9)
Researchers...Control Wolves by Shocking Them, R. LaFrambois, Marshfield (WI) News Herald (7.7)
Residents Cry Wolf Over New Neighbors, Dan Egan, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (6.29)
Spirit Guides, Healing Souls, Nikki Cobb, The Desert Dispatch (CO) (6.29)
Murkowski Set to Allow Wolf Control From the Air, Joel Gay, Anchorage Daily News (6.18)
Board Takes Steps to Allow Landowners to Kill Wolves, L. Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (5.29)
Colorado Soon to Have Wolves at the Door: Is State Ready? Theo Stein, Denver Post (5.18)
Teeth Bared in Battle Over French Wolves, AFP (5.14)
State Plans, Lawsuits May Threaten Federal Efforts to Delist Gray Wolves, Associated Press (4.29)
Area Wolves Killed by DNR to Prevent Predation, Claudia Curran, The (Ashland, WI) Daily Press (4.28)
Eye to Eye With Wolves, Shane Benjamin, The Durango Herald (4.22)
America Set to Declare Open Season on Wolves, Ros Davidson, The Sunday Herald (Scotland) (3.23)
Marauding Wolves Killed..., Brent Israelsen, Salt Lake Tribune (3.6)
Timber Wolves Resurgent in Upper Midwest, Tom Nugent, The Washington Post (2.10)
Wolf! Wolf! Can Stockmen Say Fladry? Bob Mottman, The (Tacoma, Wash.) News Tribune (2.5)
Refuge Welcomes Four New Wolves, Lynne Langley, The (Charleston, SC) Post and Courier (2.4)
Will Utah Find Room for Wolves?, Brent Israelsen & Skip Knowles, The Salt Lake Tribune (12.31)
Help Save Algonquin Park Wolves from Slaughter, Mark Coakley, The Hamilton Spectator (12.31)
Ranchers Uneasy, Skip Knowles & Brent Israelsen, The Salt Lake Tribune (12.30)
Wolves Run Wild in Human Imagination, Judy Fahys, Salt Lake Tribune (12.29)
Shepherds Face Prison as Wolves Die in Alpine Traps, J. Lichfield, The Independent (London) (12.21)
USU Wolf Report Provokes Growls, Jerry Spangler, Deseret News (12.8)
Wolf Killings Seen as Last Resort, Leslie Linthicum, Albuquerque (NM) Journal (12.7)
Wolves of the Rainforest, Cameron Young, Beautiful British Columbia Magazine, 44/4 (12.1)
From Wolf to Dog, Yes, But When?, Nicholas Wade, New York Times (11.22)
Wolf Recovery Has Farmers Howling, Dan Egan, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (11.16)
Big, Bad Wolves May Be In Utah, Jerry Spangler, Deseret News (11.13)
Canadian Wolves Living Near U.S. Border, Wilson Ring, Associated Press (11.11)
When Wolves Move In, Michael Milstein, The Oregonian (11.10)
Fishing With Wolves, Nicholas Read, The Vancouver (BC) Sun (10.14)
A Pack of Controversy, Carol Winkleman, Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Journal Sentinel (9.17)
Saving the Wolf Comes With A Price, Elizabeth Shogren, Calgary (Alberta) Herald (7.15)
Wolves Rate Special Status Inside Oregon, Michael Milstein, The Oregonian (5.29)
Wolf Vs. Wolf, Tim Mowry, Fairbanks (Alaska) Daily News (5.6)
Rising Wolf Population A Real Menace, Alexei Tarasov, Moscow News, Special Report No. 17 (5.1)
Idahoans Territorial About Wolves in State, Rocky Barber, The Idaho Statesman (2.27)
Gray Wolves Heading to California, Michael McCabe, San Francisco Chronicle (2.5)
Mexican Wolf Faces Rough and Gory Road to Recovery, Ben Ikenson, Environmental News (1.25)
People Angrily Tell DNR Wisconsin Has Too Many Wolves, Robert Imrie, Associated Press (1.24)
Wolves on Wane: Group Wants Full Halt to Hunting, Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun (12.26)
Four Wolves Illegally Shot and Killed..., Anyssa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (12.23)
Ontario Announces Strategy to Protect Algonquin Park Wolves, Canada NewsWire (11.6)
Reintroduction of Wolves is Debated, Clare Kittredge, Boston Globe (11.6)
The Wolf Question, Portland (Maine) Press Herald (10.28)
Wolves Go On the Attack, Jo Sandin, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (9.30)
Wolves Near Success Status: Packs Grow but Hurdles Linger, Theo Stein, Denver Post (9.20)
Montana Gray Wolves Moved to Idaho..., Environmental News Network (9.11)
Wolf Program Needs Critical Examination, Albuquerque Journal (9.8)
Wolf Killing Probed, Theo Stein, Denver Post (8.1)
Love 'Em or Hate 'Em, Wolves Best Left Alone, Chris Niskanen, Knight-Ridder (7.25)
Wild Dog Bait Blitz, Mark Ludlow, (Melbourne, Australia) Sunday Herald Sun (7.22)
Yellowstone Packs Key to Diversity, Theo Stein, Denver Post (7.9)
Wolves' Return Faces a Rocky Landscape, Theo Stein, Denver Post (7.9)
Rockies Ranchers Adapt to Reality of Wolves, Theo Stein, Denver Post (7.8)
Sinking Wolf Gets A Hand, Neal Rubin, Detroit News (6.27)
4 Wolves Back in Captivity, Tania Soussan, Albuquerque Journal (6.14)
Vallejo Ponders Fate of Wolves, Michael Pena, San Francisco Chronicle (5.26)
Survey Shows Support for Reintroduction of Wolves to the West, Tom Ragan, Knight-Ridder (5.16)
Wolf Release Program Would Suffer If State Pulls Back..., Mitch Tobin, Arizona Daily Star (5.11)
Scientists Recommend More Room for Wolves to Run, Lowry McAllen, Albuquerque Tribune (5.8)
Transylvania is Reluctant to Cry Wolf, Nick Foster, The Financial Times (4.7)
Leader of Condemned Pack Survives Hunt, Roger Boyes, The London Times (4.7)
Are Wolves a Pack of Trouble? Kate Harries, Toronto Star (3.31)
Crying Wolf, Sue Wheat, The Guardian (London) (3.14)
Wolves Not a Wildlife Priority, Gary Gerhardt, Rocky Mountain News (2.18)
The Case for Wolves, Andrew Eames, The Scotsman (2.17)
Still Wild at Heart, Leila Farrah, The Scotsman (2.17)
Fury Over Norway's Plan to Cull Wolves, Martin Fletcher, The London Times (2.6)
The Mystery of the Wolves, Dwayne Wilkin, The [Montreal] Gazette (2.3)
Rescued Wolves Face Death by Helicopter Hunt, Robin McKie & HamishMcdouall, The Observer (1.21)
Gray Wolves' Return Presents Challenges in the West, Patrick O'Driscoll, USA Today (1.15)
Report Puts Park Wolves in Dire Peril, Cameron Smith, The Toronto Star (1.13)
Why We Should Let Wolves Be, Cameron Smith, The Toronto Star (1.6)
French Farmers Cry Wolf Over Sheep Killings, Paul Brown, The Guardian (London) (1.4)
When Wolves Get Too Close for Comfort, Joanna Streetly, BBC Wildlife (Dec.)
Yellowstone Wolves Win One, Damon Franz, E! The Environmental Magazine (May)
Where Wolves Should Be Allowed To Roam, Todd Wilkinson, Christian Science Monitor (1.26)
Dogs Sterilised to Save Ethiopia's Rare Wolf, Geographical (Sept.)
The Wolves Are Coming! The Wolves Are Coming! David Dobbs, Audubon (Sept.)
Conservationists, Legal Experts in Court to Defend Yellowstone Wolves, U.S. Newswire (7.29)
Defenders Makes Mexican Wolf Compensation Offer, U.S. Newswire (6.24)
Waging War Over Wolves, Valerie Richardson (1.11)
Nez Perce Indians Saving Gray Wolves, Mark Cheater, National Wildlife (Aug.)
Wolves in Danger -- Again, Rachel Rivera, Science World (4.13)
Man's Oldest Friend, Shanti Menon, Discover (Jan.)
Rekindling the Fierce Green Fire, B.J. Bergman, Sierra (Sept.-Oct.)
Spain's Wolf Wars, Charles Bergman, International Wildlife (Mar.-Apr.)
Voyageurs Wolf Issue Back in Court..., Dean Rebuffoni, Minneapolis Star Tribune (12.13)
Member of Wisconsin's Wolf Population Believed Shot..., D. Rebuffoni, Minneapolis Star Tribune (12.7)
Hunters Urged...Not to Confuse a Coyote With a Wolf, Wisconsin State Journal (11.23)
Experts Foresee Grizzlies, Wolves in Utah, T. Wharton & J. Woolf, Los Angeles Daily News (11.17)
Wild About the Wolves, Benedict Le Vay, London Daily Mail (10.22)
Wolves at the Door in the Highlands, London Daily Mail (10.19)
Breeders Bend the Law to Sell...Pets with Wild Streak, Sean Poulter, London Daily Mail (10.9)
Howl of the Wild Once Again Echoes in Woods of Wisconsin, Wisconsin State Journal (10.9)
New Wolves in Yellowstone Thrive..., Louis Sahagun, The Houston Chronicle (9.22)
Groups Intervene in Lawsuit Over...Timber Wolves, Dean Rebuffoni, Minneapolis Star Tribune (9.17)
Wolf Packs Take Indian Children..., Suzanne Goldenberg, The London Observer (9.8)
Ranchers Lose Sleep, Sheep to Wolves..., Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times (9.4)
33 Children Killed by Wolves in India..., John F. Burns, The New York Times (9.1)
Howl for Wolves as Alpine Tunnel Threatens Valley, Paul Webster, The London Observer (8.25)
Wolf at the Door, Debroah Frazier, Rocky Mountain News (8.11)
Biologist Tracks First Wolf Pups Born in Idaho in 80 Years, Bill Loftus, Lewiston Morning Tribune (7.28)
2 Groups Drop Out of Trapping Study, Gary Gerhardt, Rocky Mountain News (7.10)
Bardot Offers Reward Money to Save Wolf's Hide, The Buffalo [NY] Times (7.7)
Hunters Looking for Child-Eating Wolves in India, The Buffalo [NY] Times (7.6)
Wolves Thriving in Siberia, Rocky Mountain News (6.9)
New Lair at the Zoo, Matthew Tungate, The [Cleveland] Plain Dealer (5.22)
Pups Show Transplanted Wolves Thriving in Yellowstone Home, The Seattle Times/AP (5.12)
Wild Controversy, Berny Morson, Rocky Mountain News (4.23)
Three Red Wolves Released Into the Wild, Associated Press (4.3)
Wolves Release Cleared, Patrick O'Driscoll, The Denver Post (3.30)
Federal Wolf-Release Program Now the Bane of Some Ranchers' Lives, Knight-Ridder (3.11)
Predator-Prey Balance Shifting on Lake Superior Island, D. Rebuffoni, Minneapolis Star Tribune (3.5)
Yellowstone Wolves Wear Out Welcome Mat, James Brooke, New York Times (2.18)
Red Wolves Adapting Nicely to Their Island Wild, The Virginian Pilot (2.6)
Love of Lamb Chops Proves Deadly for Wolf No. 3, Gary Gerhardt, Rocky Mountain News (2.6)
Wolves' Comeback Sparks Dispute Over Endangered Status, V. Richardson, Washington Times (2.5)
Dogged Farmers Outwit Wolves, Jessica Berry, The London Guardian (2.3)
Hungry Wolves Invade Estonia, Jon Henley, The London Guardian (2.1)
Wolf Relocation Plan Unjust, Animal-Rights Activist Says, Berny Morson, Rocky Mountain News (1.30)
Money Runs Out for Explore's Red Wolves, Jeff Sturgeon, The Roanoke (VA) Times (1.29)
Idaho Prepares for Release of More Wolves, Dan Gallagher, The Buffalo (NY) News (1.28)
Scotland's Company of Wolves, Jim Crumley, The London Times (1.27)
Group Offers Reward to Free Wolves, Berny Morson, Rocky Mountain News (1.26)
Second Set of Wolves Moved to U.S. Rockies, Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times (1.24)
Wolves Enroute to Yellowstone, Gary Gerhardt, Scripps Howard News Service (1.24)
Male Wolf Accused of Killing 2 Sheep in Montana, Gary Gerhardt, Rocky Mountain News (1.16)
Hunters to Capture 38 Canadian Wolves for Transfer to U.S., Kit Miniclier, The Denver Post (1.16)
Wolf Pack from Yellowstone Seen Near Spot Dog Was Killed, Rocky Mountain News (1.11)
