2. The _______ gray wolf once ranged throughout Mexico and the American Southwest.
5. The leader of a wolf pack is known as the _____.
6. One way wolves communicate is by _______.
8. Flesh-eating animals, including wolves, cats and bears, are called __________.
10. A wolf pack establishes its own _________, an area in which it lives and hunts, and in which other packs are not usually allowed.
11. Wolves are related to ____.
14. The ____ wolf (Canis rufus) used to range throughout the southeastern United States.
15. A _________ is a lone wolf that has left its pack.
1. Wolves are social animals that usually live in a family unit called a ____.
3. In most of the United States, the wolf is protected by law as an __________ species.
4. _____ lupus is the scientific name for the gray wolf.
7. A ____ animal is one that is hunted by a carnivore like the wolf.
9. Wolf ________ is the goal of efforts to return wolves to their historic range.
12. The lowest ranking member of a wolf pack is called the _____.
13. Both red wolves and gray wolves were once native to the state of _____.
15. Moose, elk and ____ are among the prey animals hunted by wolves.