Wolf History, Conservation, Ecology and Behavior
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Articles About Wolves - M
Mack, C.M. & J. Holyan. Idaho Wolf Recovery Program: Restoration and Management of Gray Wolves in Idaho, Progress Report, 2002. Nez Perce Tribe, Dept. of Wildlife Mgmt., 2003 (34pp).
Mack, C.M. et al. Idaho Wolf Recovery Program: Restoration and Management of Gray Wolves in Idaho, Progress Report, 1999-2001. Nez Perce Tribe, Department of Wildlife Management, 2002 (34pp).
Mack, C.M. & K. Laudon. 1999. Idaho Wolf Recovery Program: The Restoration and Management of Gray Wolves in Central Idaho, Progress Report 1995-1998. Nez Perce Tribe, Department of Wildlife Management, Lapwai, ID., 1999 (22 pp).
Mack, J.A. & F.J. Singer. Predicted Effects of Wolf Predation on Northern Range Elk, Mule Deer, and Moose Using Pop-II Models. In (Varley, J.D. & W.G. Brewster, eds.) Wolves for Yellowstone? A Report to the U.S. Congress, Vol. IV, Research and Analysis, 1992, 4.41-4.70.
MacNulty, D.R. ey al. Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos, Usurps Bison, Bison bison, Captured by Wolves, Canis lupus, in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 115, 2001, 495-498.
MacNulty, D.R. Hunting Success of Gray Wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Beyond 2000: Realities of Global Wolf Restoration, 2000.
MacNulty, D.R. Occurrence of Pursuit Deterrence Signals During Wolf Hunts of Elk in Yellowstone National Park: A Preliminary Assessment. Beyond 2000: Realities of Global Wolf Restoration, 2000.
Malcolm, J. The Diet of the Ethiopian Wolf from a Grassland Area of the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. African Journal of Ecology, 35/2, 1997, 162.
Mangun, W.R. et al. Valuing Red Wolf Recovery Efforts at Alligator River NWR: Measuring Citizen Support. In (Fascione, N. & M. Cecil, comps.) Wolves of America Conference Proceedings, November 1996, 165-171.
Marino, J. Threatened Ethiopian Wolves Persist in Small Isolated Afroalpine Enclaves. Oryx, 37/1, 2003, 62-71.76
Markham, D. Smokies Homecoming: Narrowly Saved from Extinction, Red Wolves are Breeding Again in a Famous Eastern Park. Defenders, 68/4, 1993, 9-15.
Marshall, J.P. & S. Boutin. Power Analysis of Wolf-Moose Functional Responses. Journal of Wildlife Management, 63/1, January 1999, 396 (7pp).
Matteson, M.Y. Denning Ecology of Wolves in Northwest Montana and Southern Canadian Rockies. Masters Thesis, Univ. of Montana, 1993.
Matteson, M.Y. Wolf Re-story-ation: The Importance of Myth and Values in Ecological Restoration Efforts. In (Fascione, N. & M. Cecil, comps.) Wolves of America Conference Proceedings, November 1996, 218-222.
Mattioli, L. et al. Wolf Food Habits and Wild Ungulate Availability in the Foreste Casentinesi National Park, Italy. Acta Theriologica, 40/4, December 1995, 287-402.
McAllen, L. Scientists Recommend More Room for Wolves to Run. Albuquerque (NM) Tribune, 8 May 2001.
McBride, R.T. The Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi). US Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Report 8, 1980, 1-38.
McCabe, M. Gray Wolves Heading to California. San Francisco Chronicle, 5 February 2002, A1.
McCarley, H. & C.J. Carley. Recent Changes in the Distribution and Status of Wild Red Wolves Canis rufus. Endangered Species Report No. 4, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1979 (38pp).
McCarley, H. The Taxonomic Status of wild Canis (Canidae) in the South-central United States. Southwestern Naturalist, 7, 1962, 227-235.
McCarley, H. Vocalizations of Red Wolves (Canis rufus). Journal of Mammalogy, 59, 1977, 27-35.
McClure, J.R. The Wolf at the Stockman's Door. The Country Gentleman, 79/46, November 1914, 1845-1846.
McDade, A. Cry of the Red Wolf. The Tennessee Conservationist, March/April 1993, 18-23.
McGhee, R. Co-Evolution: New Evidence Suggests That To Be Truly Human Is To Be Partly Wolf. Alternatives, 28/1, Winter 2002, 12-15.
McKie, R. & H. McDouall. Rescued Wolves Face Death by Helicopter Hunt. The Observer, 21 January 2001.
McLaren, B.E. & R.O. Peterson. Wolves, Moose, and Tree Rings on Isle Royale. Science, 266/5190, 2 December 1994, 1555.
McLeod, P.J. Developmental Changes in Associations Between Timber Wolf (Canis lupus) Postures. Behavioural Processes, 38/2, 1996, 105-118.
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McLeod, P.J. et al. The Relation Between Urinary Cortisol Levels and Social Behavior in Captive Timber Wolves. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 74, 1996, 209-216.
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McNamee, T. Trouble in Wolf Heaven. Audubon, 84/1, January 1982, 84-95.
McNay, M.E. A Case History of Wolf-Human Encounters in Alaska and Canada. Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, Wildlife Technical Bulletin 13, 2002.
McNay, M.E. Wolf-Human Interactions in Alaska and Canada: A Review of the Case History. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30/3, 2002, 831-843.
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McNay, M.E. Wolf-Human Interactions in Alaska and Canada: A Review of the Case History. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 30/3, Fall 2002, 831.
McWilliams, N. Return of the Red Wolf. Rotarian, 159/5, 1991, 46.
Mech, L.D. Age, Season, Distance, and Social Aspects of Wolf Dispersal from a Minnesota Pack. In (Chepko-Sade, B.D. & Z.T. Halpin, eds.) Mammalian Dispersal Patterns: The Effects of Social Structure on Population Genetics (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987), 55-74.
Mech, L.D. Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 77, August 1999, 1196-1203.
Mech, L.D. & N. Federoff. Alpha1-Antitrypsin Polymorphism and Systematics of Eastern North American Wolves. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80, May 2002, 961-963.
Mech, L.D. et al. Assessing Factors that May Predispose Minnesota Farms to Wolf Depredations on Cattle. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 28/3, Fall 2000, 623.
Mech, L.D. Buffer Zones of Territories of Gray Wolves as Regions of Intraspecific Strife. Journal of Mammalogy, 75/1, February 1994, 199.
Mech, L. D. & S. M. Goyal. Canine Parvovirus Effect on Wolf Population Change and Pup Survival. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 22, 1993,104-106.
Mech, L.D. The Challenge and Opportunity of Recovering Wolf Populations. Conservation Biology, 9, 1995, 270-278.
Mech, L.D. & S.B. Merrill. Daily Departure and Return Patterns of Wolves, Canis lupus, from a Den at 80 Degrees North Latitude. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 112/3, 1998, 515-517.
Mech, L.D. Daytime Activities of Wolves During Winter in Northeastern Minnesota. 73/3, August 1992, 570.
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Mech, L.D. & M.E. Nelson. Do Wolves Affect White-Tailed Buck Harvest in Northeastern Minnesota? Journal of Wildlife Management, 64/1, January 2000, 129.
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Mech, L.D. Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota. USDA Forest Service Research Paper NC-52, 1971 (62pp).
Mech, L.D. Estimated Costs of Maintaining a Recovered Wolf Population in Agricultural Regions of Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 26/4, Winter 1998, 817 (6pp).
Mech, L.D. & E.M. Gese. Field Testing the Wildlink Capture Collars on Wolves. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 20/2, Summer 1992, 221.
Mech, L.D. The Howling: Dealing With the Wolf Boom. Earthwatch, 1994, 24-31.
Mech, L.D. The Eastern Timber Wolf. Minnesota Volunteer, 40/235, 1977, 28-39.
Mech, L.D. & S.M. Goyal. Effects of Canine Parvovirus on Gray Wolves in Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management, 59/3, July 1995, 565.
Mech, L.D. Evidence of Prey-Caused Mortality in Three Wolves. American Midland Naturalist, 123/1, January 1990, 207-208.
Mech, L.D. Longevity in Wild Wolves. Journal of Mammalogy, 69, 1988, 197-198.
Mech, L.D. Making the Most of Radio-Tracking: A Summary of Wolf Studies in Northeastern Minnesota. In (Amlaner, Jr., C.J. & D.W. MacDonald, eds.) A Handbook on Biotelemetry and Radiotracking (New York: Pergamon Press, 1980), 85-95.
Mech, L.D. Managing Minnesota's Recovered Wolves. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 29/1, Spring 2001, 70.
Mech, L.D. et al. Minnesota Wolf Dispersal to Wisconsin and Michigan. American Midland Naturalist, 133/2, April 1995, 368.
Mech, L.D. et al. Movements, Behavior, and Ecology of Timber Wolves in Northeastern Minnesota. In (Mech, L.D. & L.D. Frenzel, Jr., eds.) Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota. US For. Ser. Res. Paper NC-52, 1971, 1-34.
Mech, L.D. A Plan for the Management of the Timber Wolf in the Superior National Forest of Minnesota. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, June 1972.
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Mech, L.D. Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Audubon, 92/2, March 1990, 82-85.
Mech, L.D. Why Some Deer Are Safe from Wolves. Natural History, January 1979, 70-77.
Mech, L.D., et al. Winter Severity and Wolf Predation on a Formerly Wolf-Free Elk Herd. Journal of Wildlife Management, 65/4, October 2001, 998-1003.
Mech, L.D. et al. Wolf Distribution and Road Density in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 16, 1988, 85-87.
Mech, L.D. et al. Wolf Nipple Measurements as Indices of Age and Breeding Status. American Midlands Naturalist, 129/2, April 1993, 266.
Mech, L. D. Wolf Numbers in the Superior National Forest of Minnesota. United States Forest Service Research Report. NC-07, 1973 (10pp).
Mech, L.D. Wolf Pack Witness. Audubon, 98/6, 1996, 78-88.
Mech, L. D. Wolf Population in the Central Superior National Forest, 1967-1985. USDA Forest Service Research Paper. NC-270, 1986 (6pp).
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Mech, L.D. Wolf Realities. Yellowstone Science, 3/3, Summer 1995, 6-11.
Mech, L.D. Wolf Restoration to the Adirondacks: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Participation in the Decision. In (Sharpe, V.A. et al., eds.) Wolves and Human Communities: Biology, Politics, and Ethics, 2001, 13-22.
Mech, L.D. Wolves, Coyotes and Dogs. In (Nelson, M.M., ed.) The White-Tailed Deer in Minnesota, Proc. Symp. Minn. Chap. Wildl. Soc., Sect. Game, Minn. Dep. Nat. Resour. (St. Paul), 1971, 19-22.
Mech, L.D. The Wolves of Isle Royale. National Park Service Fauna Series 7, U.S. GPO, 1966 (210pp).
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