Wolf History, Conservation, Ecology and Behavior

Mexican Gray Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Updates
September & December 2004
Mexican Gray Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Update-September 2004
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Update September 1 – 30, 2004

This is a summary of Mexican wolf reintroduction project activities in Arizona and New Mexico. Additional information can be obtained by calling (928) 339-4329, or toll free at 1-888-459-WOLF, or by visiting the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s web site at http://mexicanwolf.fws.gov. Past updates may also be viewed on this website or interested parties may sign up to receive the update electronically by visiting www.azgfd.com. This update is public property and can be used for any purpose. The reintroduction project is a multi-agency cooperative effort among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services (USDA-WS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation (FAIR), the San Carlos Apache Tribe (SCAT) on the San Carlos Apache Reservation (SCAR), and other supporting organizations including the Turner Endangered Species Fund (TESF) and Defenders of Wildlife (DOW).

Please report any wolf sightings, incidents of take or harassment of wolves, or suspected livestock depredations to: (928) 339-4329 or toll free at (888) 459-WOLF, or the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s 24-Hour Dispatch (Operation Game Thief) at (800) 352-0700.
Numbering System: Mexican wolves are given an identification number recorded in an official studbook that tracks the history of all known Mexican wolves. Capital letters (M = Male, F = Female) preceding the number indicate adult animals 18 months or older. Lower case letters (m = male, f = female) indicate sub-adults (younger than 18 months) or pups. The capital letter “A” preceding the letter and number indicate alpha wolves.

Definitions: For the purpose of this update, a “wolf pack” is defined as two or more wolves, at least one being radio-collared, that maintains an established territory and are proven breeders. In the event that one of the two alpha wolves dies, the remaining wolf, regardless of pack size, retains the pack name. A “group” of wolves is defined as two or more wolves that travel together on a consistent basis but are not proven breeders. The Interagency Field Team (IFT) recognizes that there could be uncollared wolves that form either a group or a pack. If they are confirmed through trapping, sightings, or other field methods they will be included in the appropriate category.

CURRENT POPULATION STATUS As of the end of September, the collared population consisted of 26 wolves, in eleven packs, and two lone wolves. Based on other field data (sightings, tracks, howling etc.), there could be at least 25-30 additional wolves, including pups and uncollared wolves, distributed among the packs and groups. The current population estimate is 51-56 wolves in the wild. Efforts will focus on confirming other uncollared wolves which may exist in the wild. Arizona: Aspen Pack (AF667, AM512, uncollared m871, and collared pups f872, f873), Bluestem Pack (AF521, AM507, two uncollared wolves, and five pups), Cienega Pack (AF487, two uncollared wolves, and at least three pups), Hawks Nest Pack (AF486, AM619, and at least two pups), Iris Pack (AM798, an uncollared wolf, and at least one pup), Rim Pack (AF858, an uncollared wolf, and two pups), lone wolf M795, lone wolf m859; and, Hon-Dah Pack (AM578 and two uncollared wolves), located on the FAIR. New Mexico: Francisco Pack (AF511, an uncollared wolf, and at least two pups), Luna Pack (AF562, AM583), Saddle Pack (AF797, AM732, and pups m860, f861, f862, m863, m864), and San Mateo Pack (AF903, AM796).

All wolf sighting reports are recorded and evaluated. Sightings should be reported in a timely manner in order for the IFT to be most responsive.
TRANSLOCATION On September 28, AF903 and AM796 of the San Mateo Pack were captured at the Ladder Ranch Wolf Management Facility. They were given physical exams and radio collared. The following day, they were packed into the Gila Wilderness on mules and put into a mesh acclimation pen at McKenna Park. On September 30, the wolves chewed out of their pen. These wolves had previously been captured and removed from the San Mateo Mountains in New Mexico because they were outside the recovery area.
MONITORING Personnel have begun trapping to capture un-collared wolves and field efforts continue to focus on monitoring wolf activity.

Arizona: On September 12, a report was received from a resident on the Blue River corridor of a collared and uncollared wolf harassing a calf in a corral. Project personnel investigated and it was determined that AF667 and AM512, of the Aspen pack, were in the area. Project personnel began intensive monitoring and hazing of these wolves from the area. Two Radio Activated Guard (RAG) boxes, which emit noise and flashing lights when a radio-collared wolf is nearby, were placed in the area. Hazing with 12 gauge cracker shells and harassment of the pair by walking in on them appeared to be successful in temporarily moving them out of the area. Both adults moved back to near the release site where the pups were. Recently, however, AM512 and f872 were again located within a half-mile of a dwelling with livestock and poultry on the Blue River corridor, but were successfully hazed from the area. Project personnel will continue to monitor and respond as necessary.

On September 13, Aspen m871 slipped its radio-collar, which was found near the release site in the vicinity of Hannagan Meadow.
M859 was recently located near the Hawks Nest pair in the Crosby Crossing area, but does not appear to be traveling with them.
M795 was located on the FAIR.
The Bluestem Pack, Cienega Pack alpha female, Hawks Nest Pack, and Rim Pack remained in their normal home ranges in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, as did the Hon-Dah Pack alpha male on FAIR. The Iris Pack continues to use their normal home range in the northwestern portion of the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area and the northern portion of FAIR.
New Mexico: The Francisco Pack alpha female and the Luna Pack remained in their normal home ranges in the Gila National Forest. Project personnel attempted to capture and radio-collar Francisco Pack AF511’s mate and pups during September but no wolves were captured.
The Saddle Pack has moved several miles from their release pen at McKenna Park, and remained together.
Observation reports of wolves from the public are important as many of the wolves are currently dispersing. Please call the toll free number listed above to report wolf sighting as soon as possible after the sightings. Thank you for your help.
INCIDENTS Wildlife Services investigated four livestock depredations. Three were confirmed to have died of natural causes and the fourth, reported by project personnel, was determined to have died from being struck by a vehicle.
CAPTIVE MANAGEMENT See “Translocation” above.
COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION On September 1, a wolf project coordination meeting was held in Phoenix. Agency heads from each of the project cooperators attended, as well as other agency personnel involved in the project. The purpose of the meeting was to increase communication and coordination, as well as provide a forum for questions and answers among all project personnel.
On September 24, Dan Groebner gave a presentation at the annual meeting of the Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers in San Diego. The presentation covered a project update as well as the Mexican wolf project software used for navigation and data collection.
The next Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG) meeting will be held October 15 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the conference room of the Rode Inn, located at 242 E. Mail St., in Springerville, Arizona. This meeting is open to the public.
PROJECT PERSONNEL: Paul Overy, AGFD IFT Leader, submitted his resignation effective September 24. Dan Groebner will be acting as AGFD IFT Leader until the position is filled. Thank you Paul for all you have done over the past 3 years for the project!
Luis Gonzales, a USFWS volunteer, has ended his position.
John R. Morgart has accepted the position of Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator with the USFWS in Albuquerque. His tentative start date is November 15. Currently, he is the USFWS Sonoran pronghorn recovery coordinator.
Shawn Farry will be starting with the Project in October as an AGFD Wildlife Technician.
Colby Gardner will be working with the Project on a 60-day emergency, non-competitive hire for the USFWS.

REWARDS OFFERED The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for the shooting deaths of Mexican gray wolves. An additional $35,000 is being offered by a variety of public interest groups for a total amount of up to $45,000, depending on the information provided. Individuals with information they believe may be helpful are urged to call one of the following agencies: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service special agents in Mesa, AZ, at (480) 967-7900, or Albuquerque, NM, at (505) 346-7828; the White Mountain Apache Tribe at (928) 338-1023 or (928) 338-4385; Arizona Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief at 1-800-352-0700; or New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Operation Game Thief at 1-800-432-4263. Killing a Mexican gray wolf is a violation of the federal Endangered Species Act, and can invoke criminal penalties of up to $25,000 and/or six (6) months in jail or a civil penalty of up to $25,000.
Mexican Gray Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Update-October 2004
not available
Mexican Gray Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Update-November 2004
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Update November 1 – 30, 2004

This is a summary of Mexican wolf reintroduction project activities in Arizona and New Mexico. Additional information can be obtained by calling (928) 339-4329, or toll free at 1-888-459-WOLF, or by visiting the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s web site at http://mexicanwolf.fws.gov. Past updates may also be viewed on this website or interested parties may sign up to receive the update electronically by visiting http://azgfd.gov. This update is public property and can be used for any purpose. The reintroduction project is a multi-agency cooperative effort among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services (USDA-WS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation (FAIR), the San Carlos Apache Tribe (SCAT) on the San Carlos Apache Reservation (SCAR), and other supporting organizations including the Turner Endangered Species Fund (TESF) and Defenders of Wildlife (DOW).

Please report any wolf sightings or suspected livestock depredations to: (928) 339-4329 or toll free at 1-888-459-WOLF. To report incidents of take or harassment of wolves, please call the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s 24-Hour Dispatch (Operation Game Thief) at 1-800-352-0700.
Numbering System: Mexican wolves are given an identification number recorded in an official studbook that tracks the history of all known Mexican wolves. Capital letters (M = Male, F = Female) preceding the number indicate adult animals 18 months or older. Lower case letters (m = male, f = female) indicate sub-adults (younger than 18 months) or pups. The capital letter “A” preceding the letter and number indicate alpha wolves.

Definitions: For the purpose of this update, a “wolf pack” is defined as two or more wolves, at least one being radio-collared, that maintains an established territory and are proven breeders. In the event that one of the two alpha wolves dies, the remaining wolf, regardless of pack size, retains the pack name. A “group” of wolves is defined as two or more wolves that travel together on a consistent basis but are not proven breeders. The Interagency Field Team (IFT) recognizes that uncollared wolves may form a group or a pack. If they are confirmed through trapping, sightings, or other field methods they will be included in the appropriate category.

CURRENT POPULATION STATUS As of the end of November, the collared population consisted of 27 wolves, in 10 packs*, one group, and two lone wolves. Based on other field data (sightings, tracks, howling etc.), there could be at least 25-30 additional wolves, including pups and uncollared wolves, distributed among the packs and groups. The current population estimate is 51-56 wolves in the wild. However, a final estimate for 2004 will be provided January 2005. * NOTE: The San Mateo wolves have been designated a “group” per the Definitions above.

Arizona: Aspen Pack (AF667, AM512, uncollared m871, and collared pups f872, f873), Bluestem Pack (AF521, AM507, two uncollared wolves, and five pups), Cienega Pack (AF487, two uncollared wolves, and at least three pups), Hawks Nest Pack (AF486, AM619, and at least two pups), Iris Pack (AM798, an uncollared wolf, and at least one pup), Rim Pack (AF858, an uncollared wolf, and two pups), lone wolf M795, lone wolf m859; and, Hon-Dah Pack (AM578 with uncollared wolves), located on the FAIR. New Mexico: Francisco Pack (AF511, AM904, m919 and at least one more pup), Luna Pack (AF562, AM583), Saddle Pack (AF797, uncollared AM732, and pups m860, f861, f862, m863, m864), and San Mateo Group (AF903, AM796).
All wolf-sighting reports are recorded and evaluated. Sightings should be reported in a timely manner so the IFT can be most responsive in follow-up.
MONITORING Personnel have been trapping to capture un-collared wolves and field efforts continue to focus on monitoring wolf activity as well as on confirming other uncollared wolves that may exist in the wild.
Arizona: The Aspen pack made movements down to the Blue River corridor on several occasions (see “Incidents” for more information). Intensive monitoring and hazing has continued. The IFT has set up a camper trailer in the area for project personnel to monitor these wolves more closely, in an effort to be more responsive when wolves are in the area.
Aspen f873 continues to be located separate from the rest of the pack south of the Blue Lookout area. Aspen m871 has not been located since he slipped his collar a few months ago.
Lone wolf m859 was located just across the Arizona border, northeast of Escudilla, in New Mexico during the later part of November.
During the last part of November, M795 was located on the FAIR.
Hawks Nest AM619 has not been located since October 4 despite follow-up aerial and ground efforts to determine his whereabouts.
The Bluestem Pack, Cienega Pack alpha female, Hawks Nest Pack, Iris Pack male, and Rim Pack female remained in their home ranges in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, as did the Hon-Dah Pack alpha male on FAIR.
New Mexico: The San Mateo group remains in the San Mateo Mountains, where they were captured and removed in late August. The IFT is monitoring and assessing the situation. The Forest Service District Rangers and local permittees have been notified of the wolves’ presence in the area.
The Francisco Pack, Luna Pack, and Saddle Pack remained in their home ranges in the Gila National Forest.
Observation reports of wolves from the public are important as many of the wolves are currently dispersing. Please call the toll free number listed above to report wolf sighting as soon as possible after the sightings. Thank you for your help.
INCIDENTS On the evening of November 4, the Aspen Pack interacted with two domestic dogs enclosed in a chain link fence near a house along the Blue River corridor. The resident fired a gun near the wolves and they ran off. No injuries to the dogs were sustained.
On November 7, a New Mexico outfitter reported that while he was pursuing a bear in the Gila Wilderness Area with his hounds, his dogs encountered and fought with three wolves. The wolves, determined by the IFT to be members of the Saddle Pack, dispersed when the guide fired his gun into the air. Two of the dogs were severely injured and required veterinary care, while the other two dogs sustained minor injuries. Both dogs injured during the encounter will survive, as their injuries were non-life threatening.

On the evening of November 30, a Blue River resident reported an uncollared wolf attacking their dog on the resident’s back porch. Two dogs chased off the animal and no dog was injured during the event. The resident fired several shots in the air, but the animal remained in the area, as it was later observed by flashlight. The resident used a receiver, provided by project personnel, but did not pick up any telemetry signals from the Aspen Pack. Therefore, it is unclear what wolf was involved in the incident, as project personnel located the three collared Aspen wolves over a mile north of this area both before and after the incident. However, the receiver that the resident used after the incident was found to have the frequency of AF667 incorrectly programmed; or it is possible that m871 (which has not been documented with the pack since he slipped his collar a few months ago) may have been involved.
CAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Nothing new to report.
COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION On October 16, Melissa Woolf gave a presentation for Wolf Awareness Week at Wildlife West in Edgewood, NM to 25 people.
On November 3, Krista Beazley and Deon Hinton gave a wolf presentation to 20 Head Start students on the FAIR.
On November 10, the IFT discussed the current situation with the Aspen pack and developed management recommendations. Recommendations were to increase frequency and magnitude of hazing activities when the pack is in the Blue River corridor, and to look at the feasibility of using the Engineer Springs pen as a translocation site and / or a holding pen if the Aspen pack needs to be captured. Since then, AMOC has been reviewing and approving the IFT recommendations on a weekly basis.
On November 20, Maggie Dwire gave a wolf presentation to 25 people at the Festival of the Cranes in NM.
On November 20 and 21, Dan Groebner set up a display on the Mexican wolf project at the Hunting and Shooting Showcase, sponsored by the Department at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility north of Phoenix, and provided information and answered questions about the project.
PROJECT PERSONNEL: Dr. John R. Morgart, a wildlife biologist with the USFWS, has been selected as the Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator. He will serve as the USFWS’s lead scientist for the program and will recommend and interpret policy at the federal level. He will be based in Albuquerque, NM.

REWARDS OFFERED The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a reward of up to $10,000 and the Arizona Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for the shooting deaths of Mexican gray wolves. An additional $35,000 is being offered by a variety of public interest groups for a total amount of up to $46,000, depending on the information provided. Individuals with information they believe may be helpful are urged to call one of the following agencies: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service special agents in Mesa, AZ, at (480) 967-7900, or Springerville, AZ at (928) 333-5245, or Albuquerque, NM, at (505) 346-7828; the White Mountain Apache Tribe at (928) 338-1023 or (928) 338-4385; Arizona Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief at 1-800-352-0700; or New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Operation Game Thief at 1-800-432-4263. Killing a Mexican gray wolf is a violation of the federal Endangered Species Act, and can invoke criminal penalties of up to $25,000 and/or six (6) months in jail or a civil penalty of up to $25,000.
Mexican Gray Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Update-December 2004
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project Monthly Update December 1 – 31, 2004

This is a summary of Mexican wolf reintroduction project activities in Arizona and New Mexico. Additional information can be obtained by calling (928) 339-4329, or toll free at 1-888-459-WOLF, or by visiting the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s web site at http://mexicanwolf.fws.gov. Past updates may also be viewed on this website or interested parties may sign up to receive the update electronically by visiting http://azgfd.gov. This update is public property and can be used for any purpose. The reintroduction project is a multi-agency cooperative effort among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services (USDA-WS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation (FAIR), the San Carlos Apache Tribe (SCAT) on the San Carlos Apache Reservation (SCAR), and other supporting organizations including the Turner Endangered Species Fund (TESF) and Defenders of Wildlife (DOW).

Please report any wolf sightings or suspected livestock depredations to: (928) 339-4329 or toll free at 1-888-459-WOLF. To report incidents of take or harassment of wolves, please call the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s 24-Hour Dispatch (Operation Game Thief) at 1-800-352-0700.
Numbering System: Mexican wolves are given an identification number recorded in an official studbook that tracks the history of all known Mexican wolves. Capital letters (M = Male, F = Female) preceding the number indicate adult animals 18 months or older. Lower case letters (m = male, f = female) indicate sub-adults (younger than 18 months) or pups. The capital letter “A” preceding the letter and number indicate alpha wolves.

Definitions: For the purpose of this update, a “wolf pack” is defined as two or more wolves, at least one being radio-collared, that maintains an established territory and are proven breeders. In the event that one of the two alpha wolves dies, the remaining wolf, regardless of pack size, retains the pack name. A “group” of wolves is defined as two or more wolves that travel together on a consistent basis but are not proven breeders. The Interagency Field Team (IFT) recognizes that uncollared wolves may form a group or a pack. If they are confirmed through trapping, sightings, or other field methods they will be included in the appropriate category.

CURRENT POPULATION STATUS As of the end of December, the collared population consisted of 26 wolves, in 10 packs, one group, and two lone wolves. Based on other field data (sightings, tracks, howling etc.), there could be at least 25-30 additional wolves, including pups and uncollared wolves, distributed among the packs and groups. The current population estimate is 51-56 wolves in the wild. However, a final estimate for 2004 will be provided in the January 2005 update.

Arizona: Aspen Pack (AF667, AM512, uncollared pup m871, and collared pup f873), Bluestem Pack (AF521, AM507, two uncollared wolves, and five pups), Cienega Pack (AF487, two uncollared wolves, and at least three pups), Hawks Nest Pack (AF486, AM619, and at least two pups), Iris Pack (AM798, an uncollared wolf, and at least one pup), Rim Pack (AF858, an uncollared wolf, and two pups), lone wolf M795, lone wolf m859; and, Hon-Dah Pack (AM578 with uncollared wolves), located on the FAIR. New Mexico: Francisco Pack (AF511, AM904, m919 and at least one more pup), Luna Pack (AF562, AM583), Saddle Pack (AF797, uncollared AM732, and pups m860, f861, f862, m863, m864), and San Mateo Group (AF903, AM796).
All wolf-sighting reports are recorded and evaluated. Sightings should be reported immediately, so the IFT can follow-up promptly.
MONITORING Personnel have ceased trapping to capture un-collared wolves for the winter but field efforts continue to focus on monitoring wolf activity as well as on confirming other uncollared wolves that may exist in the wild.

Arizona: The Aspen pack crossed through the Blue River drainage on a least three occasions but mostly remained in rough, inaccessible terrain (see “Incidents” for more information). Based on a December 7 IFT recommendation, the Adaptive Management Oversight Committee (AMOC) and the AGFD approved the recapture and eventual translocation of the Aspen Pack to a more remote location that would provide a more viable and long-term potential for survival. IFT biologists began trapping efforts in the Blue River corridor on December 9. On December 22, f872 of the Aspen Pack was captured west of the Blue River and transferred to the Ladder Ranch Wolf Management Facility in New Mexico. This 8-month-old pup was in good physical condition and weighed 60 pounds at the time of capture from the wild. This wolf will be translocated to an area away from the Blue River, preferable near a lone male wolf, as soon as possible. Due to the pack’s current location and recent, heavy rains making road crossings impassable in the Blue River corridor, the IFT pulled the traps December 30, and temporarily suspended trapping efforts until weather conditions improve. Aspen f873 continues to be located separate from the alpha pair south of the Blue Lookout area.

Rim AF858 was observed this month by project personnel traveling with 3 uncollared wolves.
The Bluestem Pack, Cienega Pack alpha female, Hawks Nest Pack, Iris Pack male, Rim Pack female, and M795 remained in their home ranges in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, as did the Hon-Dah Pack alpha male on FAIR.
New Mexico: Lone wolf m859 was located in the northwest portion of the Gila National Forest (GNF).
The Saddle Pack, except for one pup, made a significant movement away from their release site during the first part of the month, but remain with in the GNF.
The Francisco Pack, and Luna Pack remained in their home ranges in the GNF and the San Mateo group remained in the Cibola National Forest.
Observation reports of wolves from the public are important as many of the wolves are currently dispersing. Please call the toll free number listed above to report wolf sighting as soon as possible after the sightings. Thank you for your help.
INCIDENTS On December 1, a resident along the Blue River corridor observed a wolf-like animal that appeared to be the same one seen the previous night (November 30) about 200 yards from the house. The animal quickly left the area without hazing.
On December 3, a resident along the Blue River corridor hazed the Aspen alpha pair from near their house with cracker shells. IFT personnel also successfully hazed the wolves from the area the following morning. No interactions occurred.
On December 7, a Blue resident reported seeing two wolves near Blue School. The IFT responded within an hour and located the radio-collared members of Aspen more than a mile away in the same location where the wolves were located earlier in the day. The identity of the animals observed at the school has not been determined. No interactions occurred.
On December 14, WS received a report of two hunting dogs killed on December 13 in the Black River area. The dog carcasses, left in the field, were too heavily scavenged to accurately analyze. A third dog died during transport to a veterinarian. None of the carcasses were saved for examination and therefore it is not known what kind of predator was involved.
CAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Nothing new to report.
COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION On December 17, Directors of the Game and Fish Departments in Arizona and New Mexico, Regional Offices of the USFWS, USFS, and USDA-WS, as well as County and Tribal representatives, met in Phoenix with the AMOC, the IFT, and other agency personnel to discuss programmatic and operational issues. The group agreed to begin posting completed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on the AGFD website for public comment. The need for IFT office space was discussed, as well as the status of the Five-Year Review and suggestions for draft SOPs.
On December 8, Maggie Dwire gave a presentation for the Audubon Society in Santa Fe to 15 people.

REWARDS OFFERED The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a reward of up to $10,000 and the Arizona Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for the shooting deaths of Mexican gray wolves. An additional $35,000 is being offered by a variety of public interest groups for a total amount of up to $46,000, depending on the information provided. Individuals with information they believe may be helpful are urged to call one of the following agencies: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service special agents in Mesa, AZ, at (480) 967-7900, or Springerville, AZ at (928) 333-5245, or Albuquerque, NM, at (505) 346-7828; the White Mountain Apache Tribe at (928) 338-1023 or (928) 338-4385; Arizona Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief at 1-800-352-0700; or New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Operation Game Thief at 1-800-432-4263. Killing a Mexican gray wolf is a violation of the federal Endangered Species Act, and can invoke criminal penalties of up to $25,000 and/or six (6) months in jail or a civil penalty of up to $25,000.
