Wolf History, Conservation, Ecology and Behavior
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Updates: September-December 2002
These reports have been archived for those interested in tracking the progress of the Mexican wolf reintroduction program. They have been edited to the extent that the "Unknown Status" and "Rewards Offered" segments are featured only in the January, May, and September reports, as that information did not often change. Some items in "Personnel" and "Communications & Coordination" have also been deleted. And, unlike the reports for the current year, these reports are arranged from January to December.

September 1 - 15, 2002
This is a brief summary of current information about the Mexican gray wolf reintroduction program in Arizona and New Mexico. Additional information can be obtained by calling (505) 248-6652 or (928) 367-4281 or by visiting our web site, http://mexicanwolf.fws.gov. Call toll-free at (888) 459-9653 to report suspected livestock depredations, incidents of take or harassment of wolves, or wolf sightings. The reintroduction is a multi-agency cooperative effort between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Game and Fish Department, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, USDA-Wildlife Services, U.S. Forest Service, the Turner Endangered Species Fund, and the White Mountain Apache Tribe.
Numbering System: Mexican wolves are given an identification number recorded in an official studbook that tracks the history of all known Mexican wolves. Capital letters preceding the number indicate adult animals two years or older (M = Male, F = Female). Capital letter AA@ preceding the letter and number indicate alpha wolves. Lower case letters indicate sub-adults or pups (m = male, f = female).
Bluestem Pack (AM507, AF521, M639, m754, m755, m756, f757, f758): Arizona The members of the Bluestem pack are establishing a territory in the area of Beaver Creek and Bear Creek. Project personnel obtained a visual on all three adults plus one pup on September 3. On September 4, personnel observed the alpha pair and one pup. M639 was seen traveling with 2 pups on September 6. An adult cow elk carcass was found by project personnel on September 6 and is believed to have been killed by the wolves. On September 11, the Bluestem pack was confirmed to have killed a ranch dog (see Incident section). Project personnel continue intensive monitoring and hazing efforts to deter the wolves from the Beaver Creek Ranch property and Sprucedale Ranch property. They continue to move between Buffalo Crossing and the junction of the 24/26 roads.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, F646): Arizona The pack has recently been located in the vicinity of Wildcat Point and KP Cienega Campground.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has been located in the East Fork of the Black River, near the Buffalo Crossing area, as well as near Sierra Blanca Lake.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona The pair has been located in the area of Bonito Rock and Pacheta Lake.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, m795, m796, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The alpha pair continues to use the area near Hannagan Meadow. The alpha male, AM194, was captured September 7 in a trap set to capture any un-collared wolves traveling with the pair. He was given a complete exam, fitted with a new radio collar, and released on-site. He was in good condition. On September 9, AF487 was also captured and released on-site. Project personnel captured two wild-born pups, m795 and m796, on September 2 and 9, respectively. They were in good health and were estimated to be approximately 5 months old. Each pup was vaccinated, given a complete exam, fitted with a radio collar and released on-site. Blood from both of the pups was sent to a genetic laboratory to verify their parentage. Yearling F621 remains in New Mexico. An outfitter reported that a pair of hunters saw two adult wolves and a pup in the Jerky Mountains in New Mexcio sometime between September 1 - 6. F621 had been located in the area at the time therefore, the possibility exists she has a mate and pup(s).
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, F644, m794, m797): Arizona The pack has been located in the vicinity of Gobbler Point and Reno Lookout. More recently, they were located near Hoodoo Knoll. Project personnel continue to monitor the Four Drag Ranch area for possible depredation incidents and to capture un-collared wolves. On September 9, the alpha pair were observed by project personnel traveling with two puppy sized un-collared wolves. On September 15, a pup, m797, was captured within the Francisco pack territory. He was vaccinated, fitted with a radio collar and released on-site. He was in good condition and estimated to be approximately 5 months old. Blood was taken and sent to a genetic laboratory to determine parentage.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico The seven pups born to AF628 were confirmed to be hybrids. The genetic analysis revealed that AF628 was the mother of the pups, that AM190 was not the father, and that the pups were not Mexican wolves. The analysis could not determine for certain what the father is; however, the results indicated the father is most likely a domestic or feral dog, or a wolf x dog hybrid. The pups were humanely euthanized on September 16 at Sevilleta. The pair, AM190 and AF628, remains in captivity at Sevilleta.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico The pair has been located in the vicinity of Aeroplane Mesa and Yellow Mountain in the Gila Wilderness. Project personnel obtained a visual on the pair on September 4 and both appeared to be in good condition. Two hunters accidentally walked into a kill site where the pair was located and the wolves barked/howled at them. They also reported hearing another howl nearby, perhaps a pup, that sounded different than the adults.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico The pair has been located in the vicinity of White Creek Cabin, near Jackass Park, in the Gila Wilderness. A hunter reported seeing the pair with one smaller un-collared wolf while walking back to his camp on September 1. A pair of hunters reported seeing a pair of wolves northeast of McKenna Park on September 5 or 6. They reported the wolves to be in good condition. Project personnel observed adult and pup tracks on the south side of White Creek on September 8 and found fresh scat with what appeared to be deer hair in it
(indicates wolves that have not been located for three months or longer). M555 (Gavilan Pack B last signal 02/12/00) M627 (Pipestem Pack B last signal 07/02/00) F189 (Mule Pack B last signal 02/02/01) F127 (Hawk=s Nest Pack - slipped out of radio collar; last seen 9/19/98) F579 (Mule Pack un-collared pup released 5/24/99) M581 (Mule Pack un-collared pup released 5/24/99) M586 (Gavilan Pack un-collared pup released 5/22/99) M641 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M642 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M643 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M678 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01) F679 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01) M680 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01) Three un-collared Hawk's Nest pups (sexes unknown) released 6/3/99.
Project personnel are continuing trapping efforts for un-collared wolves in order to document wild-born wolves. To date, two Cienega pack pups (m795, m796), one sub-adult Francisco pack male (m794) and one male pup (m797) within the Francisco territory have been collared.....Archery bear season began August 23 and continues through October 7 in Unit 1 (north of Alpine, AZ and west to Vernon, AZ) of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Hunters in wolf recovery areas are advised to restrain their dogs and keep them near campsites to prevent wolf/dog altercations.
Jon Trapp lead his Prescott College class in disassembling the Campbell Blue Pen on August 31.....On September 1, Shawna Nelson took 7 participants of the Blue River Retreat to disassemble the Bluestem release pen at Fish Bench and also demonstrated telemetry techniques.....On September 7, the Sierra Club assisted Shawna Nelson in disassembling the Campbell Blue pen and afterwards Dan Groebner gave a presentation at Hannagan Meadow Lodge. Approximately 15 people participated. Brian Kelly and Brian Arroyo met with state partners, Arizona Game and Fish and New Mexico Game and Fish, on September 9 - 10 to discuss the three year review and other coordination issues regarding the wolf project.....On September 13, Shawna Nelson hosted a Mexican Wolf Recovery Program booth at the Apache County Fair in St. John's. Approximately 400 school children and community members stopped by the booth for information.....The Arizona Game and Fish Commission meeting was held in Springerville September 14th. The Mexican Wolf Program was on the agenda examining the three year review as well as the relationship with the Fish and Wildlife Service and other items. Comments to the commissioners on the project were also received by the public.
On September 11, project personnel received a call regarding a dog/wolf altercation early that morning on private property. The dog, a blue heeler, was later found dead by project personnel on the Sprucedale Ranch property. The dog had 4 pups and it is thought that she was defending the property as well as her pups. The Bluestem Pack had been located and seen in the area. Because the heeler was a working ranch dog, Defenders of Wildlife was notified of the incident to reimburse the owners for the loss of their dog. Project personnel began monitoring the Sprucedale property September 12 to prevent any more altercations..... Project personnel continue intensive monitoring efforts of the Bluestem pack to prevent possible depredations in the Bear Creek pasture. Efforts are also being made to haze and prevent the wolves from approaching the Beaver Creek area. Two Radio Activated Guard (RAG) boxes are still in place on the property in an attempt to deter wolves from entering the property.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for the recent shooting deaths of three Mexican gray wolves. An additional $5,000 is being offered by the Center for Biological Diversity. The Lupine Pack alpha female, AF169, was found dead from gunshot wounds on November 15 near Maverick Mountain on the White Mountain Apache Reservation; Saddle Pack yearling female, f645, was found dead from gunshot wounds on November 5, near Forest Road 117, south of Highway 60, in the Greens Peak area near Vernon; and Lupine yearling male, m630, was found dead from gunshot wounds December 3, 18 miles northwest of Springerville, south of Highway 60 in Apache County, Arizona.
Investigations into the illegal killing of four other Mexican wolves are also still being conducted:
C Campbell Blue alpha female, AF174, was shot on August 7, 1998, in the Williams Valley area near Alpine, Arizona.
C Hawk=s Nest male, m532, was found dead from gunshot wounds near the Arizona/New Mexico state line on November 7, 1998.
C Hawk=s Nest male, m531, was found dead from gunshot wounds on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation on November 23, 1998.
C Francisco yearling male, m590, was found dead from gunshot wounds on December 18, 2000 approximately 2 mile north of Highway 12 in the Apache National Forest=s Divide wood cutting area near Aragon, New Mexico.
Individuals with information they believe may be helpful should call one of these agencies: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service special agents in Mesa, AZ at (480) 835-8289 or Pinetop at (928) 367-5689; the White Mountain Apache Tribe at (928) 338-1023 or (928) 338-4385; Arizona Game and Fish Operation Game Thief at 1-800-352-0700; or New Mexico Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief at 1-800-432-4263. The killing of a Mexican gray wolf is a violation of Federal and State=s of Arizona and New Mexico laws. Violations of the Federal Endangered Species Act can invoke criminal penalties of up to $25,000 and /or six months in jail, or a civic penalty of up to $10,000.
September 16 - 30, 2002
Bluestem Pack (AM507, AF521, M639, m754, m755, m756, f757, f758): Arizona The pack has extended their territory northwest to include the area around PS Knoll. A Forest Service employee reported observing six wolves dragging an elk out of a water tank on September 16. Based on the location of the incident, the sighting was most likely of Bluestem pack members. Six members of the pack, three adults and three pups, were observed from the plane during the September 19 telemetry flight. Project personnel observed all three of the collared wolves and three pups crossing the 25 road to reach a spike bull elk carcass on the other side on September 27. The elk was later confirmed as a wolf kill. The observation of the pack lasted for approximately 30 minutes and the pups were watched playing in a meadow above the kill and resting on rocks. Wildlife Service's responded to a depredation report on September 29 (see Incident section).
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, F646): Arizona The pack has been located near Hoodoo Knoll, Reno Lookout, as well as in the vicinity of Double Cienega. Project personnel heard two adult wolves, but no pups, howling on September 26.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has been located by Crosby Crossing as well as in the Campbell Blue drainage.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona The pair has been located on the National Forest south of Big Lake. On the evening of September 25, project personnel observed one collared adult plus another animal, possibly a pup, in the Pacheta Lake area. Another sighting occurred on September 29 of the alpha pair plus three pups traveling with them.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, m795, m796, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The alpha pair continues to use the area near Hannagan Meadow. Yearling F621 remains in New Mexico and has been located in the West Fork of the Gila River near Cub Mountain. Genetic test results concluded the recently captured pups, m795 and m796, are indeed offspring of AM194 x AF487.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, F644, m794, m797): Arizona The pack has been located in the Bear Wallow Wilderness near Bear Wallow Creek and south of Reno Lookout as well as near Loafer Tank. On September 17, pup m797 was captured again (previously captured September 15) in traps set to capture un-collared wolves. He was released on-site. On September 20, he slipped out of his radio collar; therefore, project personnel are no longer able to monitor him. His radio collar was retrieved later that day and it was obvious that other pack members had chewed off the collar. Project personnel observed two adults, one of them without a radio collar, plus five pups on September 24 near Malay Gap on the San Carlos Reservation. At the tribe's request, project personnel are currently attempting to remove the pack from the reservation. Project personnel continue to monitor wolf activity in the Four Drag Ranch area for possible depredation incidents and to capture any un-collared wolves.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico The pair has been located in the vicinity of Woodland Park and Hell Hole in the Gila Wilderness.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico The pair has been located in the vicinity of White Creek Cabin and Half Moon Park in the Gila Wilderness. On September 16, project personnel located a bull elk carcass which the wolves had been feeding on. Traps were set at the carcass site in order to capture and radio collar any pups traveling with the pair. On September 20, AF562 was captured in one of the traps. She was examined, vaccinated, and released on-site. She weighed 56 pounds (2 pounds more than her release weight in April) and was in good condition. Later that evening, both adults and one pup were heard howling. Based on observations and tracks in the area, project personnel believe that at least one pup is traveling with the pair.
m754 (Bluestem Pack un-collared pup released 6/11/02; sighting 9/27/02 indicates at least 3 of the 5 pups are still with the pack) m755 (Bluestem Pack un-collared pup released 6/11/02; sighting 9/27/02 indicates at least 3 of the 5 pups are still with the pack) m756 (Bluestem Pack un-collared pup released 6/11/02; sighting 9/27/02 indicates at least 3 of the 5 pups are still with the pack) f757 (Bluestem Pack un-collared pup released 6/11/02; sighting 9/27/02 indicates at least 3 of the 5 pups are still with the pack) f758 (Bluestem Pack un-collared pup released 6/11/02; sighting 9/27/02 indicates at least 3 of the 5 pups are still with the pack) m797 (Francisco Pack wild-born pup in 2002 B slipped out of radio collar 9/20/02).
Project personnel are continuing trapping efforts for un-collared wolves in order to document wild-born wolves and have also commenced efforts to trap and remove the Francisco pack from the San Carlos Reservation as per their request.
The seven Pipestem pups were euthanized on September 16 at Sevilleta after genetic analysis determined they were hybrids (see September 1 - 15 Mexican Wolf update for more information).
Dan Stark and John Oakleaf met with the San Carlos tribe on September 24 to discuss trapping efforts and removal of wolves from the reservation.
The two Radio Activated Guard (RAG) boxes that were on the Beaver Creek Lodge property were removed on September 19.....On September 29, Wildlife Service personnel responded to a depredation report near PS Knoll north of the Black River in which two adults and three pups were observed feeding on the carcass. Wildlife Service=s confirmed the two year old cow was killed by wolves and based on known wolf locations, it was determined the Bluestem pack was most likely responsible for the depredation.
John Oakleaf started his position with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as the Mexican Wolf Field Coordinator on September 23.

October 1 - 15, 2002
Bluestem Pack (AM507, AF521, M639, m754, m755, m756, f757, f758): Arizona The pack has been located near Lost Cienega, PS Knoll, and northeast of Hoodoo Knoll as well as in the Black River near Colonel Spring and the Caldwell Forest Service Station. On October 5, an AZGF wildlife biologist observed all three collared wolves plus four pups chasing elk and deer in a pasture in the PS Knoll area.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, F646): Arizona The pack has been located near Hoodoo Knoll, as well as near Fish and Conklin Creeks.
Hawk's Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has been located near Campbell Flat and in the vicinity of Diamond Rock Campground and in the Campbell Blue Drainage. On October 14, project personnel found an elk carcass which was completely consumed by the wolves. The wolves began howling and at lest two pups joined in howling with the alpha pair, confirming they indeed have pups. Previously, this was the only pack not confirmed to have had pups.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona The pair has been located near Pacheta Lake.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, m795, m796, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The pack continues to use the area near Hannagan Meadow. Project personnel observed the two adults crossing Hwy 191 on October 14. Yearling F621 remains in New Mexico and has been located near Bearwallow Mountain and Corner Mountain.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, F644, m794, m798, f799, f800, m801): Arizona At the tribe's request, project personnel are currently attempting to remove the pack from the San Carlos Apache Reservation. AM509 was captured on the reservation on October 7. Project personnel fitted him with a new radio collar and relocated him onto the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest. Four wild born pups of the year have been captured since the last reporting period: m798 captured October 5; f799 captured October 7; and f800 and m801, both captured October 9. All pups were fitted with radio collars, vaccinated, measured, weighed, and released . The fate of m797 remains unknown since he slipped out of his radio collar on October 20.
AF511 and m798 have been located together east of Gobbler Point on the Apache National Forest. Yearling male m794 has been located near BS tank on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. The remaining pups (m799, f800, m801) have been located near Malay Gap, also on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. They, as well as AM509, have been using the areas around BS Tank, and Malay to the National Forest near Four Drag. Project personnel obtained a visual of six wolves (AF511, m794, m798, f799, m801, plus one un-collared pup) near Loafer Tank on October 11. All wolves looked to be in good health. During the sighting, AF511 howled several times and two wolves responded in the distance, suggesting there are two un-collared wolves with the pack as well (no other radio collar signals were picked up suggesting the wolves were un-collared). F644 has been located near Sunrise Lake on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico The pair has been located along the Middle Fork of the Gila River in the Gila Wilderness. Forest Service personnel reported seeing the two collared adults and one pup near Little Creek on October 3.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico The pair has been located in the vicinity of White Creek Cabin in the Gila Wilderness. Project personnel obtained a visual of the two adults plus two pups on October 9. AF562 was observed with a slight limp but other than that, all wolves looked to be in good condition.
Project personnel are continuing trapping efforts for un-collared wolves in order to document wild-born wolves.....Based on observations and howling surveys, all eight packs are confirmed to have had pups this year. Additionally, all packs with the exception of Saddle Pack are known to have pups still traveling with them. Although Saddle Pack was confirmed to have denned this year, it is not known if there are any surviving pups traveling with the pack.
On October 12-13 Shawna Nelson, along with Phoenix Zoo Keepers, volunteers, ZooTeens, staff, and The Wildest Club in Town, assisted in radio-tracking demonstrations and spoke with the general public about the Mexican wolf project for Wolf Awareness Week. There were approximately 300 adults and children who participated at different booths set up to promote wolf awareness.....Colleen Buchanan spoke to the general public and school groups at the Rio Grande Zoo on October 12 - 14 for Wolf Awareness Week. Approximately 400 people visited the booth over the three-day weekend. The booth will be set up at the zoo for the remainder of Wolf Awareness Week (October 13 - 19).....Maggie Dwire gave a presentation at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge Annual Open House about the Mexican wolf recovery project on October 12. Approximately 50 people attended.....Brian Kelly attended a fund-raising event at the California Wolf Center in Julian, CA. October 12 -13 and gave three separate presentations about the Mexican wolf project over the weekend. Approximately 150 people attended.
October 16 - November 15, 2002
Bluestem Pack (AM507, AF521, M639): Arizona The Bluestem pack is still attempting to establish a territory and is showing great fluctuations in their movements. During the last month, they have been located near Buffalo Crossing, along Horse Creek; south of Big Lake; east of the West Fork of the Black River; on White Mountain Apache Reservation near Pacheta Lake, Crescent Lake and Round Cienega, and northeast of Big Lake.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, F646): Arizona The pack has been located in the vicinity of Reno Lookout, the Strayhorse Forest Service station, and KP Cienega campground. Most recently they have been south of Hoodoo Knoll and southeast of the Snake Creek / Black River Confluence. On October 17, project personnel heard a pup howling with the pack. The alpha pair was observed on October 23 in the Blue Vista area. No pups were seen with them at the time of the observation. For several days at the end of October F646 was located traveling with Francisco m794 on the San Carlos Reservation; she has since rejoined her pack. A group of hunters reported seeing all three wolves on November 8.
Hawk's Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pack has been located near Bardman Canyon, Heap Ranch, and Buffalo Crossing. On October 14 project personnel heard the alpha pair and two pups howling near an elk carcass the pack had been feeding on. This howling incident confirmed that successful recruitment has occurred with the Hawk's Nest pair.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona On October 22, AM674 was found dead on the White Mountain Apache Reservation near Loafer Cienega. The cause of death is under investigation. The alpha female has been located near Hurricane Lake, Loafer Cienega, Reservation Lake, and Pacheta Lake on White Mountain Apache Reservation. On November 8, ground tracking revealed one adult track and at least two sets of pups tracks still traveling with the female.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, m795, m796, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The pack continues to use the area near Hannagan Meadow. Ground tracking in fresh snow on October 27 revealed the positive identification of two sets of adult tracks, possibly a third adult, and three sets of pup tracks. On November 13, project personnel walked in on an elk carcass scavenged by the pack and observed three adults (2 collared, 1 un-collared) and three pups (2 collared, 1 un-collared). Yearling F621 remains in New Mexico and has been located in the Gila National Forest near Sign Camp Mountain, Corner Mountain, and northwest of Sheep Basin Tank.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, F644, m794, f797, m798, f799, f800, m801): Arizona At the tribe's request, project personnel have continued trapping and hazing efforts to discourage the pack from using the San Carlos Reservation. During the last two weeks of October, the pack had moved off the reservation to the Bear Wallow Wilderness and the Reno Lookout area; however, they moved back on the reservation. Most recently, AM509 and pups m794 and m801 have been located west of Maverick Fire Camp, while AF511 and pup m798 have been in the vicinity of Maverick Mountain and Odart Cienega on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. Additionally, occasional forays have been made by pack members onto the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest. Pups f797, f799, and f800 have been located near Dry Prong Tank and Malay Tank on the San Carlos Reservation. On November 11, f797 (previously reported in error to be a male) was recaptured near Dry Prong Tank and fitted with a another radio collar. This pup was previously radio collared on September 17 but slipped out of it=s collar only three days later on September 20. She was removed from the reservation and released on Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service land.....For several days at the end of October, m794 and Saddle Pack F646 were located together on the San Carlos Reservation near Cox Corral Tank and Dry Prong. F644 has been located separately from the rest of the pack on the White Mountain Apache Reservation near Paradise Park, Hawley Lake, and northwest of Greens Peak.....Two sightings of un-collared wolves within the Francisco pack territory have been documented by project personnel during this reporting period. On October 22, a large wolf was seen and on October 26 the same wolf, as well as another adult wolf was observed.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico The alpha pair has been located in the Gila National Forest in the vicinity of the Cliff Dwellings, Woodland Park Tank, Prior Cabin, east of Loco Mountain, and northwest of Lilley Park. On October 21, a hunter reported seeing three wolves (presumably the alpha pair and a pup) in Chicken Coop Canyon. Later that day, project personnel obtained a visual of the alpha pair feeding on an elk carcass.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico The alpha pair has been located in the Gila Wilderness near Whitewater Baldy, Willow Creek Campground, west of White Creek Cabin, southwest of the Gila Cliff Dwellings, and northeast of Little Turkey Park.
Trapping efforts to capture and collar wild-born pups via leg-hold traps has ceased for the year as trapping during freezing temperatures increases the risk of injury to the wolves. Trapping may resume with the use of net-gunning and/or darting. On October 17, project personnel observed an un-collared adult wolf feeding on an elk carcass on Arizona Hwy 260 between Sunrise and Greer. They attempted to dart the animal in order to radio collar it but were unsuccessful. It is unknown whether or not this animal is affiliated with any packs or what it=s origin is.
On November 4 - 8, project personnel administered annual examinations to 24 wolves at the Sevilleta and Ladder Ranch captive wolf facilities.
Brian Kelly met with University of Idaho researchers on October 23 to discuss possible collaborative research on Mexican wolves.....A meeting was held in Albuquerque on October 31 between USFWS, AZGF, and NMDGF to discuss the State's role in the Mexican wolf recovery program.....Brian Kelly met with USDA Wildlife Service's personnel in Albuquerque on November 5 to discuss Wildlife Service's role in the Mexican wolf recovery program.....On November 7, project personnel attended a wolf handling and drug use refresher course at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge sponsored by Turner Endangered Species Fund.....Brian Kelly was interviewed on November 12 by Fox News, Los Angeles for a story on Mexican wolves.....On November 14, representatives from USFWS, AGFD, NMFGD, and USFS met with the cattle allotment permittee that has been affected by the Francisco pack. Issues regarding cattle depredations and methods available to remedy the situation were discussed.
On October 18, Wildlife Service personnel responded to a report of a horse with an injured leg . The injury was confirmed to have been caused by a wolf. The Francisco wolves, based on their location and proximity to the horse, are the most likely wolves responsible for the incident.....On October 22, the Bonito Creek alpha male, AM674, was found dead in a remote area on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. The case is under investigation.....On October 24, Wildlife Service personnel responded to a depredation report of a dead 5 year old cow. The cow was confirmed to have been killed by wolves. Based on wolf locations, it was determined that Francisco m794, and possibly some un-collared wolves were involved in the attack..... Wildlife Service personnel responded to a depredation report of a dead calf on November 3 and confirmed it was killed by wolves. The Saddle Pack was confirmed to be responsible for the kill.
November 16 - 30, 2002
Bluestem Pack (AM507, AF521, M639): Arizona The Bluestem pack has been located in the vicinity of Beaver Creek Ranch, Centerfire and Boggy Creeks, Pacheta Lake, as well as near Wildcat Point. On November 24, all three collared wolves plus four of the pups were seen from the air on an elk carcass on the White Mountain Apache Reservation near McKibbins Pond. This sighting confirms that four of the five pups released with the pack in June are still traveling with the pack.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, F646): Arizona The pack has been located near Wildcat Point along Reservation Creek, near Bill Point, and most recently, south of Blue Vista in the Salt House area. F646 was seen by project personnel on November 20 near the 25/25B junction. Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pack has been located near Beaver Creek Ranch, Diamond Rock campground, Big Lake Lookout, as well as in the Coyote Creek and Campbell Blue Drainage. On November 27, project personnel confirmed the presence of four wolves with the pack via ground tracking in the snow. Of the four sets of tracks seen, two are assumed to be pups of the year.
Bonito Creek Pack (AF587): Arizona On November 22, AF587 and Francisco pack m794 were located together in the vicinity of Marshall Butte and Christmas Tree Lake on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. The two have consistently been traveling together indicating they might be forming a pair bond since the loss of alpha male, AM674 on October 22. The new pair has been located near the Maverick Fire Station and in the Marshall Butte/Little Bonito Creek area on White Mountain Apache Reservation. On November 24, a helicopter capture effort occurred to capture any un-collared pups traveling with the pack. The pair plus three other wolves were observed together, indicating that all three of the pups previously documented with the Bonito Creek Pack are still alive. Although some darts and nets were fired from the helicopter, no pups were successfully captured.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, m795, m796): Arizona, New Mexico The pack has been using the areas near Josh Tank, Beaver Creek Ranch within the Thomas Creek Drainage, and in the vicinity of Middle Mountain. F621 was located East of Feathery Hill in New Mexico.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f797, m798, f799, f800, m801): Arizona The entire pack has been located near Dry Prong Tank on the San Carlos Reservation as well as on the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest. They have also been located below the rim southwest of Blue Vista and southwest of Baldy Bill Point. Additionally, pups m801 and m798 have also been located near Loafer Tank; f799 has been located near Freezeout Mountain, along the Black River; and f797 and f800 have been located west of Blue Vista. A helicopter capture effort occurred on November 24 to capture any un-collared wolves traveling with the pack in efforts to remove problem animals suspected to be involved in the recent depredations. No wolves were captured during the event due to the nature of the terrain where the pack was located.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico The alpha pair has been located in the Gila National Forest in the vicinity of Jackass Park.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico The alpha pair has been located in the Gila Wilderness near Mogollon Baldy Peak. Dispersal Wolves (M794, F644, F621) M794 has dispersed from the Francisco pack and is now traveling with the Bonito Creek alpha female. F644 has been making dispersal movements from the Francisco pack for some time now. She was located with the pack on November 22; however, project personnel have been unable to locate her since. F621 has dispersed from the Cienga pack and has been located east of Feathery Hill in New Mexico.
A helicopter capture was attempted November 24 and 25 to remove problem Francisco pack wolves from the San Carlos Reservation and to capture any un-collared animals traveling with other packs for monitoring purposes. Capture attempts were made for Francisco, Hawks Nest, Bonito Creek and Bluestem packs, and although darts and nets were fired, no wolves were successfully captured during the event mainly due to the terrain in which the wolves were located.
Two wolves, M183 and M556, were transferred from the Ladder Ranch wolf facility to the Alameda Park Zoo in Alamogordo, NM on November 8. The wolves, father and son, were no longer considered release candidates and were therefore removed from the facility. M183 was previously in the wild as the alpha male of the Gavilan pack and was permanently removed from the wild in February of 2000 due to depredations. M556 was never released to the wild due to behavioral issues.
On November 30, Wildlife Service personnel responded to a depredation report of a dead calf near the Four-Drag Ranch. The cause of death was deemed a possible wolf depredation. Wolf tracks and scat were observed in the area; however, no radio collared wolves were heard in the area at the time of the investigation. This could have been because very little of the carcass remained and if wolves were responsible, they would not still feeding on the calf.

December 1 - 15, 2002
Bluestem Pack (AM507, AF521, M639): Arizona The Bluestem pack has been located northwest of Big Lake Lookout, southwest of the West Fork Campground, northwest of Hannagan Meadow near Fish Creek, northeast of Hoodoo Knoll, and near the Fish Bench/ PS Knoll area. Six sets of tracks were observed on December 12.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, F646): Arizona All three members of the pack were located near the 25 Rd and Hwy 191 on December 2. On December 3, F646 was found dead in the same area. The cause of death is under investigation. Since then, the alpha pair has been located south of Blue Vista, south of Baldly Bill Point, and in the Bear Wallow Wilderness.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pack has been located near the Campbell Blue drainage, northeast of Buffalo Crossing, southeast of Milk Ranch Spring; and also southeast of the 249/ 276 junction. Both wolves were observed on December 10 during the telemetry flight.
Bonito Creek Pack (AF587): Arizona AF587 and Francisco pack m794 continue to travel together and have been located in the vicinity of Odart Mountain and within the Bonito Creek drainage system on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, m795, m796): Arizona The pack has been located in the vicinity of the 26 Road, Hwy 191, and near the Josh Ranch Rd. Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f797, m798, f799, f800, m801): Arizona The pack has been located near the Bear Wallow Wilderness southeast of Malay Gap as well as in the Black River north of BS Gap. They have also been located moving through the extreme southeast corner of the San Carlos Reservation. During the December 10 flight, all seven wolves were observed playing in the Black River. Project personnel are attempting to trap and remove the pack at the tribe=s request.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico The alpha pair has been located in the Gila National Forest east of Snow Lake, in the vicinity of Loco Mountain, and northeast of Corner Mountain. On December 3, AM584 was accidently captured by a trapper in a coyote trap and was released on -site. Project personnel investigated the situation on December 4 and observed three sets of tracks in the area, indicating that at least one pup is still traveling with the pack. Project personnel observed the pair feeding on an elk carcass on December 11.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico The alpha pair has been located in the Gila Wilderness southwest of the Gila Cliff Dwellings as well as on Brushy Mountain.
Dispersal Wolves (M794, F644, F621): M794 has dispersed from the Francisco pack and is still traveling with the Bonito Creek alpha female. F644 has been making dispersal movements from the Francisco pack for some time now. She has been located near Christmas Tree Lake, near Sunrise, and in the vicinity of Mt. Baldy on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. Project personnel have confirmed only one set of wolf tracks, indicating she is traveling alone. Cienega F621 was last located on November 19 east of Feathery Hill, NM. Project personnel have been unable to locate her since despite several search flights.
The Campbell Blue alpha male, M166 and the Gavilan alpha female, F168 were retired as release candidates and transferred to the California Wolf Center in Julian, CA on December 4.....Volunteers from the Channel Island Fox Recovery Project and the California Wolf Center assisted with building a separation pen at the Sevilleta wolf facility December 9 - 14. Many thanks to everyone for their hard work.
Saddle pack F646 was found dead near the 25 Road and Highway 191on December 3. The cause of death is under investigation.
