Wolf History, Conservation, Ecology and Behavior
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Updates: January-April 2002
These reports have been archived for those interested in tracking the progress of the Mexican wolf reintroduction program. They have been edited to the extent that the "Unknown Status" and "Rewards Offered" segments are featured only in the January, May, and September reports, as that information did not often change. Some items in "Personnel" and "Communications & Coordination" have also been deleted. And, unlike the reports for the current year, these reports are arranged from January to December.

December 15, 2001 - January 11, 2002
This is a brief summary of current information about the Mexican gray wolf reintroduction program in Arizona and New Mexico. Additional information can be obtained by calling (505) 248-6652 or (520) 367-4281 or by visiting our web site, http://mexicanwolf.fws.gov. Call toll-free at (888) 459-9653 to report suspected livestock depredations, incidents of take or harassment of wolves, or wolf sightings. The reintroduction is a multi-agency cooperative effort between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Game and Fish Department, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, USDA-Wildlife Services, U.S. Forest Service, the Turner Endangered Species Fund, and the White Mountain Apache Tribe.

Numbering System: Mexican wolves are given an identification number recorded in an official studbook that tracks the history of all known Mexican wolves. Capital letters preceding the number indicate adult animals two years or older (M = Male, F = Female). Capital letter AA preceding the letter and number indicate alpha wolves. Lower case letters indicate sub-adults or pups (m = male, f = female).
Note: A “Missing Collared Wolves section has been added indicating those radio collars that have gone off the air. When a wolf has been missing for three months or longer, we will no longer continue to report them with their pack affiliation, but instead will list them in this section.
Lupine Pack (m632 + pups m678, f679, m680): New Mexico On December 26, 2001 m632 was located south of Datil, NM on the San Agustin plain on private land outside of the recovery area. He was observed feeding on a cow carcass. Although there was no indication m632 had killed the cow, the landowner did not want the wolf on his property and requested that we remove him. On January 1, 2002 m632 was trapped and transferred to the Engineer Springs management pen for future release. The status of the pups is unknown as they have not been seen since the pack was released on June 20, 2001.
Wildcat Pack (M578): New Mexico Project personnel last located M578 near Reserve, NM on November 29. Several search flights have been conducted since then, but his whereabouts remain unknown.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, f646, m647): Arizona AM574, AF510, and f646 have been using the area along East Eagle Creek and Hot Air Canyon. Yearling m647 has traveled from the Mormon Lake area south of Flagstaff to an area southeast of Snowflake over the last week. Repeat observations indicate that his left hind leg is still injured.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has moved regularly along the Campbell Blue drainage between Forest Service Road 37 and Highway 191.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona AM674 and AF587 continue to use the area around Pacheta Lake.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona The alpha pair has been using the area around Raspberry Basin between Strayhorse and the Blue River. Female F621has occasionally been located separate from her parents but most recently, she has remained with them. Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, m641, m642, m643, f644): Arizona The alpha pair and the collared female yearling, f644, have been using the area between Malay Gap and Freezeout Mountain. The status of the male yearlings is unknown since they are not radio collared.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico AM190 and AF628 continue to travel together and have been using the area between Snow Lake and Indian Creek along the Middle Fork of the Gila River.
M555 (Gavilan Pack B last signal 02/12/00) M627 (Pipestem Pack B last signal 07/02/00) F189 (Mule Pack B last signal 02/02/01)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for the recent deaths of three Mexican gray wolves. An additional $5,000 is being offered by the Center for Biological Diversity. The Lupine Pack alpha female, AF169, was found dead on November 15 near Maverick Mountain on the White Mountain Apache Reservation; Saddle Pack yearling female, f645, was found dead on November 5 near Forest Road 117, south of Highway 60, in the Greens Peak area near Vernon; and Lupine yearling male, m630, was found December 3, 18 miles northwest of Springerville, south of Highway 60 in Apache County, Arizona. Necropsy results are pending in these deaths.
Investigations into the illegal killing of four other Mexican gray wolves are also still being conducted.
$ Campbell Blue pack alpha female AF174 was shot on August 7, 1998, the opening day of bear hunting season in the Williams Valley area near Alpine, Arizona.
$ Hawks Nest male m532 was found dead near the Arizona/New Mexico state line on November 7, 1998. Death resulted from shooting.
$ Hawks Nest male m531 was found dead on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation on November 23, 1998. Death resulted from shooting.
$On December 18, 2000, Francisco Pack yearling male m590, was found dead approximately 2 mile north of Highway 12, in the Apache National Forest=s Divide wood cutting area near Aragon, New Mexico. Death resulted from shooting.
Individuals with information they believe may be helpful should call one of these three agencies: Service special agents in Mesa at (480)835-8289 or in Pinetop at (928) 367-5689; the White Mountain Apache Tribe at (928) 338-1023 or (928) 338-4385; Arizona Game and Fish Operation Game Thief at 1-800-352-0700; or New Mexico Game and Fish Department Operation Game Thief at 1-800-432-4263.
The killing of a Mexican gray wolf is a violation of Federal and State’s of Arizona and New Mexico laws. Violations of the Federal Endangered Species Act can invoke criminal penalties of up to $25,000 and/or six months in jail, or a civil penalty of up to $10,000.
January 12 - 30, 2002
Note: An Unknown Status@ section has been added indicating those wolves that have not been located for three months or longer. We will no longer continue to report them with their pack affiliation, but instead will list them in this section.
Lupine Pack (m632): Arizona Yearling m632 was captured on private property outside of the Recovery Area on January 1 and put in the Engineer Springs management pen for future release. While in the pen, members of the Saddle Pack came near the pen at night on several occasions. Through telemetry monitoring, there was some indication that yearling f646 was the first to come near the pen and was the last to leave. Hoping that m632 and f646 would bond, we released him from the pen on January 17; however, m632 did not spend much time in the area and on January 27 was located near Coyote Hill NE of Springerville. He has remained in that area.
Wildcat Pack (M578): New Mexico M578 had not been located since November 29; however, on January 13, project personnel received a report of a wolf traveling through a pasture northeast of Aragon. After further investigation, it was determined that this sighting was M578 and on January 14, he was located approximately two miles southwest of Aragon. On January 28, he was located northwest of Fox Mountain, 22 miles southwest of Quemado. His signal is very weak and we have not been able to locate him since.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, f646, m647): Arizona AM574, AF510, and f646 have been using the area along Salt House Creek and East Eagle Creek just south of Blue Vista. The trio also visited the Engineer Springs pen on several occasions while m632 was in the pen. Project personnel observed the three wolves crossing Highway 191 just north of Blue Vista on January 20. Yearling m647 was last located on January 17, two miles north of Becker Lake near Springerville. Project personnel received a report of a wolf with an injured rear left leg in Williams Valley on January 20. The reported injury is consistent with other observations of 647.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona Telemetry locations of the Hawk=s Nest pair indicate they are still using the area along the Campbell Blue drainage between Forest Service Road 37 and Highway 191.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona Recent telemetry locations indicate this pair may be shifting their territory to the west several miles in the area around Marshall Butte and Loafer Bench. Their movements are probably a result of snow accumulation and Elk migration.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona The Cienega Pack has been traveling between Grant Creek and KP Creek east of Hwy 191 and west of the Blue River.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f644): Arizona The alpha pair and the collared female yearling, f644, have been traveling between KP Cienega and Malay Gap.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico AM190 and AF628 continue to travel together and have been using the area between Loco Mountain, the Middle Fork, East Elk Mountain, and Chicken Coop Canyon.
M555 (Gavilan Pack B last signal 02/12/00) M627 (Pipestem Pack B last signal 07/02/00) F189 (Mule Pack B last signal 02/02/01) F127 (Hawk=s Nest Pack B slipped out of radio collar; last seen 9/19/98) F579 (Mule Pack un-collared pup released 5/24/99) M581 (Mule Pack un-collared pup released 5/24/99) M586 (Gavilan Pack un-collared pup released 5/22/99) M641 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M642 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M643 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M678 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01) F679 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01) M680 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01)
Seven wolves were captured at the Sevilletta captive facility on January 23 for an annual check up and to receive their yearly vaccinations.
Two wolves were captured at Ladder Ranch on January 29 for their annual check up and vaccinations. The female, F188, was emaciated. Preliminary results from the blood work indicate she has liver damage; however, the cause of the damage is not yet known. She has been separated from the male so that we may treat her as necessary. The male was in excellent condition.

January 31 - February 15, 2002
Lupine Pack (m632): Arizona Yearling m632 spent about a week in the area around Coyote Hill NE of Springerville. On the morning of January 6, m632 was found in a coyote trap near the San Augustine Plains and was released on site by the trapper. On January 7, he was located on the San Augustine Plain, 11 miles east of the Gila Forest Boundary. Most recently he has been located near the Forest Boundary east of John Kerr peak.
Wildcat Pack (M578): New Mexico Despite several search flights, M578 has not been located since January 22. His signal is very weak and he is difficult to monitor. He was last located northwest of Fox Mountain lookout.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, f646, m647): Arizona AM574, AF510, and f646 continue to use the area along Eagle Creek, Salt House, Chitty Canyon, and Strayhorse Divide. Yearling f646 continues to travel with the alpha pair the majority of the time. On February 4, project personnel recovered m647's radio collar west of Young, AZ. The case is under investigation.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has been using the area along Coyote Creek, between Lake Sierra Blanca and the Campbell Blue drainage.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona AM674 and AF587 have been using the area around Odart Mountain and Tonto Lake.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona The Cienega Pack has been traveling between Grant Creek and KP Creek east of Highway 191 and west of the Blue River. Yearling F621 has been making some dispersal movements, potentially in search of a mate, and has been located in the Tularosa Mountains east of Eagle peak, as well as near Willow Creek, Gilita Creek, and Indian Creek of the Gila National Forest.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f644): Arizona The alpha pair has been using the area between Rose Spring and Freezeout Mountain. Yearling f644 has been located separately from her parents and most recently was located near Gobbler point.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico AM190 and AF628 continue to travel together and have been using the area around Elk Mountain. On February 1, project personnel received a report of two wolves chasing a calf near the Crutchfield ranch. The wolves were confirmed to be the Pipestem pair. The ranch manager was able to chase the wolves away from the calf and no depredation occurred. Project personnel have been camped out near the cattle and have been hazing the wolves away as they come in at night. To date, the constant monitoring and hazing has been successful; there have been no depredations, and the pair has moved approximately 10 miles to the northwest.
M555 (Gavilan Pack B last signal 02/12/00) M627 (Pipestem Pack B last signal 07/02/00) F189 (Mule Pack B last signal 02/02/01) F127 (Hawk=s Nest Pack B slipped out of radio collar; last seen 9/19/98) F579 (Mule Pack un-collared pup released 5/24/99) M581 (Mule Pack un-collared pup released 5/24/99) M586 (Gavilan Pack un-collared pup released 5/22/99) M641 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M642 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M643 (Francisco Pack un-collared pup released 7/15/00) M678 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01) F679 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01) M680 (Lupine Pack un-collared pup released 6/20/01)
A follow up check on F188 (previously found emaciated and in poor health) was performed on February 3 to reassess her condition. She appears to be doing better, having gained almost 15 pounds within one week. Her blood work however, still showed some areas of concern. She continues to be housed alone so we can treat and monitor her situation as necessary.
On January 31, Nick Smith and Colleen Buchanan met with the Gila Wilderness District in Mimbres to discuss potential wolf release sites and to initiate the process for building wolf holding pens. Additional meetings to discuss the same issues were attended by Smith and Buchanan in several other districts including the Black Range, Reserve, and Quemado districts on February 1 and 6, respectively.
February 16 - 28, 2002
Lupine Pack (m632 ): Arizona Yearling m632 has traveled from the eastern edge of the Gila Forest boundary to the Coyote Hills area northeast of Springerville. On February 28, he was located in Boggy Creek about four miles west of PS Knoll.
Wildcat Pack (M578): New Mexico Despite several search flights, M578 has not been located since January 22. His signal is very weak and he is difficult to monitor. He was last located northwest of Fox Mountain lookout.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, f646): Arizona The alpha pair has been using the area west of Blue Vista. Yearling f646 has been located separately from her parents and most recently was located approximately one mile northwest of Blue Vista.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has been using the area along Coyote Creek, between Lake Sierra Blanca and the Campbell Blue drainage.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona AM674 and AF587 have been located along the KL Creek drainage approximately 2 miles northeast of KL Ranch on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The Cienega Pack has been traveling between Grant Creek and KP Creek east of Highway 191 and west of the Blue River. Yearling F621 has been making some dispersal movements, potentially in search of a mate, and has been located in New Mexico near John Kerr Peak and in the Tularosa Mountains east of Eagle peak.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f644): Arizona The alpha pair has been using the area between Rose Spring and Malay Gap on the Rim Trail. Yearling f644 has been located separately from her parents several times during this reporting period north and west of Mt. Baldy. Most recently she has been located with her parents west of Malay Gap.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico AM190 and AF628 continue to travel together and have been using the area around Elk Mountain and Houghton Canyon, and have been as far north and west as T Bar Ridge.
Breeding season at the Sevilleta and Ladder Ranch facilities is in full swing and several litters are expected between the two facilities.
The Interagency Management Advisory Group met in Truth or Consequences on February 27 to discuss upcoming planned wolf releases for 2002. Approximately 70 people attended the meeting. Wolf releases for both Arizona and New Mexico were discussed. Pending Forest Service approval of the release sites, two releases are planned for Arizona in mid-June; a pair plus any pups of the year at Bear Mountain and a pack consisting of the alpha pair, up to five yearlings, and any pups of the year at Fish Bench. For New Mexico, plans are to release two pairs of wolves using sites previously approved in the Gila Wilderness. The two New Mexico releases are planned for late March or early April. The females from each pair are expected to be pregnant at the time of release.

MARCH 2002
March 1 - 15, 2002
Lupine Pack (m632): Arizona Yearling m632 has been located in the Coyote Hills area northeast of Springerville during this reporting period. He is on private land outside of the recovery area and the landowner has requested his removal. Project personnel intend to begin trapping him to remove him from the area; he will be returned to Sevilleta.
Wildcat Pack (M578): New Mexico Approximately March 1, personnel from the Tyrone Mine reported seeing a wolf in the area of the mine southwest of Silver City. Project personnel were able to confirm that the wolf was M578. He had previously been missing since January 22 and it was believed his radio collar had malfunctioned. His collar is working fine; the frequency has drifted and that is why we were not able to locate him.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, f646): Arizona The alpha pair and yearling f646 have been using the area southwest of Blue Vista near Salt House Creek. Yearling f646 continues to explore areas on her own but has most recently been located with her parents.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona Most recently, the pair has been using the area near Twin Tanks in the Campbell Blue drainage. Both wolves were observed by project personnel on March 11.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona AM674 and AF587 continue to use the area around Reservation Lake on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The alpha pair has been recently located in the Hannagan Creek Drainage. Yearling F621 has been making some dispersal movements and has been located in New Mexico in the Tularosa Mountains and south of Willow Creek. Project personnel were unable to locate her on the last telemetry flight on March 11.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f644): Arizona Yearling f644 had previously been making some dispersal movements but has since returned to her parents. The pack has been using the area south west of Malay Gap.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico AM 190 and AF628 have been located in Coyote Canyon north of the Turkey Track. They have also been using the area around Elk Mountain and Houghton Canyon. They were located north of Indian Creek near Ten Cow canyon on March 11, but have since returned to the area around Coyote Canyon. Intensive efforts are being made to monitor their activity in an active livestock area. No depredations have been documented; however, they have been found feeding on livestock carcasses.
February marked the end of breeding season. Mexican wolves typically breed during the month of February, and after a 63 day gestation period, pups are generally born in mid-April to mid-May. The average litter size for Mexican wolves is 4 - 6 pups. The potential for wild-born litters this year is very good, as there are 6 established pairs/packs currently in the wild.
On March 15, all pairs at Sevilleta that were separated to prevent breeding were captured and reunited with their mates. Up to two litters are expected at Sevilleta this year (not all pairs were separated) and three females at Ladder Ranch are potentially pregnant.
The Interagency Field Team met in Alpine on March 13 to discuss various field issues and upcoming releases. A total of four releases are planned for Arizona and New Mexcio in 2002. The planned Arizona releases include a pair plus any pups of the year scheduled for a June release in the Bear Mountain area and a larger pack plus their pups of the year in Fish Bench, also scheduled for release in June. The two New Mexico releases will both occur in early April. Plans are to release two pairs, each with pregnant females, both in the Gila Wilderness.
March 16 - 31, 2002
Lupine Pack (m632): Arizona Yearling m632 had previously been located on private land outside the recovery area northeast of Springerville. The landowner requested his removal and project personnel began trapping efforts to remove him. The attempts were unsuccessful however, and m632 moved out of the area soon after traps were set. He has since traveled eastward and is currently in New Mexico and has been located southeast of Cottonwood Canyon as well as southwest of Chihuahua Lake. The necropsy results for alpha female F169 and yearling m630 confirmed they both died from gunshot wounds. F169 was found dead November 15, 2001 near Maverick Mountain on the White Mountain Apache Reservation and yearling m630 was found dead near Vernon, Arizona on December 3, 2001. Both cases remain open.
Wildcat Pack (M578): New Mexico On March 18, M578 was caught, unharmed, by a coyote trapper in a foothold trap in the Burro Mountains near Silver City. He was returned to captivity at Sevilleta because of his history of traveling outside the recovery area.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, f646): Arizona On March 22, project personnel observed the alpha pair and yearling f646 walking together down the 54 Road near Baldy Bill Point. Yearling f646 continues to explore areas on her own as well and was recently located northwest of Honeymoon Campground. The necropsy results for yearling f645, found dead November 5, 2001northwest of Springerville, confirmed she died from gunshot wounds. The case remains open. See the “Rewards” section below for more information.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona Most recently, the pair was located near the Diamond Rock Campground in the Apache National Forest
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona AM674 and AF587 have been located northeast of Tonto Lake as well as southeast of Pacheta Lake on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The alpha pair has been recently located southwest of Devils Washboard. Yearling F621 is still making some dispersal movements and has been located in New Mexico west of Eagle Peak, northeast of Flat Top Mesa, and east of Lost Lake.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f644): Arizona Yearling f644, who had returned to her parents, has again been making dispersal movements and was located northwest of Christmas Tree Lake and northeast of Willow Mountain Lookout. The alpha pair have been using the area southwest of Malay Gap to Conklin Creek and southeast of Freezeout Mountain in the Apache National Forest.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico The Pipestem pair has been frequenting the Slash/Adobe Ranch since early February when they were observed chasing a calf. Intensive monitoring and hazing efforts have been in place ever since in attempts to prevent any depredations. However, on March 22, they killed a newborn calf on the Adobe Ranch. Another calf was confirmed killed by the pair on March 24. Project personnel are currently attempting to trap the pair to remove them from the ranch; they will be returned to Sevilleta.
On March 25, two pairs of wolves at the Ladder Ranch wolf facility were captured and fitted with radio collars in preparation for release to the wild. Both pairs will be released in the Gila Wilderness in early April; one at Lilly Park and the other at McKenna Park. A pregnancy test was also performed and confirmed that both females are pregnant.
The White Mountain Apache Tribe hosted a signing ceremony at the Hondah Resort near Pinetop, Arizona on March 27 to finalize a cooperative agreement between the Tribe and the Fish and Wildlife Service’s Mexican wolf project. The agreement allows for wolf monitoring and management on tribal lands and opens up a significant amount of land for wolf recovery.
Brian Kelly traveled to Missoula, Montana to attend a meeting on March 29 regarding the wolf compensation fund. Preliminary results were presented regarding a survey which evaluated the effectiveness of the wolf/livestock depredation compensation fund.

April 2002
April 1 - 12, 2002
Lupine Pack (m632): New Mexico M632 has been located southeast of Horse Peak, northeast of Simon Lake, and northeast of Pelona Mountain. On April 4 he was observed feeding on a cow carcass. Investigation confirmed the cow died while giving birth; M632 was not involved in a depredation. Efforts are ongoing to capture him to remove him from the area and return him to captivity.
Wildcat Pack (M578): New Mexico This pack no longer exists (M578 was captured and returned to captivity March 18).
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, f646): Arizona The alpha pair has been located southwest of Rose Peak and southeast of Honeymoon Campground. Yearling f646 has been located southeast of Freezeout Mountain and southeast of Loafer Tank. On April 8, all three wolves were seen together near Strayhorse Divide in the Apache National Forest.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has been located in the Williams Valley area; however, project personnel were unable to locate them April 5th, 8th, or 9th.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona AM674 and AF587 were located east of Reservation Lake, southwest of Big Lake, and southeast of Odart Mountain.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The alpha pair has been located southeast of KP Cienega Campground and northeast of Strayhorse Campground, as well as east of Hannagan Meadow on the Apache National Forest. Yearling F621 is still in New Mexico southwest of Adam Hoague Lake and northeast of Willow Mountain. She has been in the same location for three consecutive flights. Project personnel tracked her on April 9 and confirmed she was localized in the area and has been feeding on an elk carcass.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, f644): Arizona All three have been located together on the White Mountain Apache Reservation southeast of Tonto Lake and north of the Black River as well as southwest of Freezeout Mountain.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico Project personnel have been trying to capture the pair since the confirmed depredations in late March. To date, they have not been successful and the pair has since moved off the Adobe Ranch. They have been located southeast of Crutchfield Camp and east of East Elk Mountain. Most recently they were located south of Cooney Prairie near Gillette tank.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico Note: Pack name was derived from using the first two letters of Gavilan, Pipestem, and Wildcat packs (Gapiwi). The male previously was associated with the Gavilan pack and the female was previously associated with the Pipestem and Wildcat packs. On April 4, the pair was transported from the Ladder Ranch to a mesh pen at Lilley Park in the Gila Wilderness. The wolves remain in the pen and are being monitored by pen-sitters. They will be released in mid-April if they do not self-release before then.. AF624 is pregnant and is expected to whelp soon.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico On April 4, the pair was transported from the Ladder Ranch to a mesh pen at McKenna Park in the Gila Wilderness. The wolves chewed out immediately from the pen and self-released to the wild. The male has been staying near the pen site but the female has moved several miles away. AF562 is pregnant and is expected to whelp soon.
On April 3, two pairs from Ladder Ranch were captured and transferred to the Gila Wilderness and put in mesh pens for release to the wild (see Luna and Gapiwi pack sections for more information).
April 13 - 30, 2002
Lupine Pack (m632): Arizona Yearling m632 was captured on April 11 outside the recovery area and removed from the wild due to his history of feeding on livestock carcasses. He was returned to captivity at Ladder Ranch. With his removal, this pack no longer exists.
Saddle Pack (AM574, AF510, F646): Arizona All three wolves have been located along the rim west of Highway 191. They have remained in the area for several weeks and project personnel believe they are denning.
Hawks Nest Pack (AM619, AF486): Arizona The pair has been located in the Sierra Blanca area for over a week now; however, project personnel have not confirmed if the pair has denned yet.
Bonito Creek Pack (AM674, AF587): Arizona AM674 and AF587 have been located southwest of Pacheta Lake and northwest of Maverick Firebase as well as northeast of Tonto Lake. Most recently they were located on the White Mountain Apache Reservation near Hurricane Lake. Project personnel have not confirmed if the pair has denned yet.
Cienega Pack (AM194, AF487, F621): Arizona, New Mexico The alpha pair have been located near Hannagan Meadow on the Apache National Forest. Project personnel believe the pair has denned. Yearling F621 continues to travel on her own and is still in New Mexico. Most recently she was located southwest of Bear Wallow Mountain and northeast of Cooney Peak.
Francisco Pack (AM509, AF511, F644): Arizona All three wolves have been located together northeast of Gobbler Point and Reno Lookout as well as areas near Freezeout Mountain and Malay Gap. The pack is starting to use areas considered to be their summer range. Project personnel have not yet confirmed if the pair has denned.
Pipestem Pack (AM190, AF628): New Mexico The pair continues to use the Slash Ranch as well as areas east of Elk Mountain, north of Cooney Tank, and southeast of Crutchfield. On April 26, they were confirmed to have killed a calf on a Forest Service allotment in Catron County. This is the third confirmed depredation by the pair since March. Project personnel have determined the female is pregnant and they are monitoring the pair intensely to determine when and where they will den. Once determined, project personnel intend to trap the pair at the den site to remove them.
Gapiwi Pack (AM584, AF624): New Mexico The pair was released on April 18 from a mesh pen at Lilley Park in the Gila Wilderness. The female was pregnant at the time of the release. They have localized in the release vicinity and it is believed they are denning. Project personnel are supplementally feeding the pair until there is evidence they are hunting on their own.
Luna Pack (AM583, AF562): New Mexico AM583 and AF562 were released at McKenna Park in the Gila Wilderness on April 4. The female was pregnant at the time of the release. They have localized northeast of McKenna Park and it is believed they are denning. Project personnel are supplementally feeding the pair until there is evidence they are hunting on their own.
Two litters of pups were born at Sevilleta on April 13 and April 26 (approximate dates). The litter of five pups born on April 13 is significant in that the pups have all three genetic lineages in them (McBride, Ghost Ranch, and Aragon), giving us greater flexibility for future pairings. We have not been able to confirm the number of pups in the second litter because the female has dug an extensive underground den which we are not able to access to do a pup check.
The third confirmed depredation by the Pipestem pack occurred on April 26. See “Pipestem Pack” section for more information.
